On a Friday night in 1989, a young man named Alex Orange lost his life while trying to break up a fight at a party. Alex could have been just another statistic of another young life lost to violence. But the following Monday, his grieving classmates gathered in West Charlotte Senior High School's cafeteria and vowed to organize against violence in Alex's memory. The group formed Students Against Violence Everywhere (SAVE), with the vision that all students will be able to attend a school that is safe, secure, free of fear, and conducive to learning.
In just 18 years, SAVE has expanded from that first chapter in Charlotte, North Carolina, to over 200,000 members in 1,700 SAVE chapters across the U.S. Today, SAVE serves youth in elementary schools, middle schools, high schools, colleges, and community youth-serving organizations in 45 states and several foreign countries. Our diverse members represent all races, ages, ethnic groups, sexual orientations, and physical abilities. SAVE is coordinated by a North Carolina-based 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, the National Association of Students Against Violence Everywhere, but it is still led by students, for students.
Schools and communities will be safer and more secure, free of fear, and conducive to learning as a result of students being actively involved in meaningful violence prevention efforts.
The National Association of Students Against Violence Everywhere (SAVE), Inc. is a nonprofit organization striving to decrease the potential for violence in our schools and communities by promoting meaningful student involvement, education and service opportunities in efforts to provide safer environments for learning.
Students Against Violence Everywhere:::
* engages students in meaningful violence prevention efforts within their school and community.
* empowers youth with knowledge and skills necessary to provide service to their community and school.
* encourages positive peer influences within the school and community through violence prevention efforts.
*educates students about the effects and consequences of violence as well as safe activities for students, parents, and the community.
Anyone interested in preventing violence!
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Alex Orange and every student that stands up for whats right.