Brett Ingram's documentary feature MONSTER ROAD explores the wildly fantastic worlds of legendary underground animator Bruce Bickford. Tracing the origins of Bickford's remarkably unique world view, the film journeys back to Bickford's childhood in a competitive household during the paranoia of the Cold War and examines his relationship with his father, George, who is now facing the onset of Alzheimer's Disease.
Best known for his collaborations with musician Frank Zappa in the 1970s (Dub Room Special, Baby Snakes, Amazing Mr. Bickford), Bickford has influenced generations of animators with his startlingly original vision.
Brett Ingram's Bright Eye Pictures will soon release Bruce Bickford's PROMETHEUS' GARDEN (28 minutes, 1988), the first Bickford release in almost thirty years and the only film over which he maintained complete creative control.
PROMETHEUS' GARDEN is a stop-motion film utilizing clay puppets and sets, cutouts, replacement series, aluminum foil, "strato-cut" slices, molten wax, and other techniques. Inspired by the ancient Greek myth of Prometheus (who created the first mortals from clay and stole fire from the Gods), PROMETHEUS' GARDEN immerses viewers in a universe unlike any other in cinematic history. The magical, dark, and beautiful images of this haunting film unfold in a dreamlike stream of consciousness revealing an unlikely cast of clay characters engaged in voilent struggle for survival.
To purchase DVDs or learn more about MONSTER ROAD and the upcoming relase of Bruce Bickford's PROMETHEUS' GARDEN, visit .
For information about Brett Ingram's other films and works-in-progress, visit .
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