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Enjoy the Blogs and Videos, more will come, feel free to post your perspectives.

About Me

"Religion? I wouldn't call it a religion, I don't even recall God referring to himself in a religious context. Rather, God referred to himself in a governmental context, as a King. Therefore, call me not a member of a religion, but a citizen of a government. Specifically, a Citizen of the Kingdom of Heaven, representing the government as an ambassador."--Jerren// Check out my BLOGS.This is Jerren Lewis. I enjoy living life to its fullest. We are on earth for a reason, and I love making the most out of it. Everyday is better than the day before cause we can make it that way. Be on the lookout for more videos, and blogs! [email protected]

My Blog

A Scientific Explanation for the Essence of God.

The bible says God Is spirit, spirit is often denoted as energy, and science now tells us that energy is  immortal, with no beginning , or end. Note :  God = Not a name, but a description g...
Posted by Jerren on Sun, 27 May 2007 03:45:00 PST

Evidence that Jesus did NOT come to bring a religion:

#1 Christianity says that we will go to heaven for eternity. The bible says that man shall inherit the Kingdom on EARTH. (Re 5:10 ,Re 21:24 ,Re 2:26) #2 Christianity thinks that we as humans will neve...
Posted by Jerren on Mon, 30 Apr 2007 02:27:00 PST

So, what about the people who didn't know Jesus, but are good, moral people?

Religion always says that everyone who doesn't know Christ, will burn in hell. But the bible says quite the opposite. I mean, If a 14 year old girl from Iraq died tomorrow, will she go to hell just be...
Posted by Jerren on Wed, 25 Apr 2007 04:04:00 PST