Common Social Phenomenon (CSP) came about from a vision given to Denny, the present drummer for the band. It started with lyrics Denny put together dealing with the Columbine shootings titled Victims, which is presented on the What's Next cd.
At that point he started out scouting for band members within the
Christian community. The name for the band came into being from going on to a website that picks random words and puts the words into names. After
searching through pages the name Common Social Phenomenon stuck. The next step was to decide how the name would make sense. After some prayer and thought, it all came together. CSP, is the endeavor all peoples of world are in search of spiritual truth, hense we have a common social phenomenon. CSP since its inception has gone through quite an evolution. Band members came and gone along with an evolution in its style of music. The band has gone from rock, to grunge, finally reaching it's given goal of metal.
Today CSP is made up of five members stretching from Dayton to Columbus, Ohio. Each member has had some type of music training adding to its virsatility. CSP is, Desi Steinbrook, Dave Brown, Jonathan Garcia, Ed Girard and Denny Horgan.
The purpose of CSP is take the words and music that is inspired from God
to the streets and hope from those lyrics those listening will have
something planted and from there at least think on what they have heard.
ATTENTION Prospective Friends:
We do check the pages of those who wish to be added and, if in our opinion, there is any inappropriate language, pictures and or music, We will not be able to add you. We're sorry if this doesn't seem fair, but that is our rule. Please don't take it personal. We have to be careful. If you request friendship with us and your myspace page is set to"private" we will approve your request to view your page. If there is any of the above material(inappropriate language, pictures and or music) you will be deleted as a friend.
Hope you understand, just trying to keep it clean! Thats My King
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