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I am here for Friends

About Me

HOLLA!! My name is Andrea, most call me Ange. Im 22 years old and loving it!!! I currently work at Unos for the time being and just recently graduated from cosmetology school. I love doing hair so if you need a cut, HOLLA ATCHA GIRL! I graduated from highschool and attempted college at the Mount. Highschool literally sucked the fun out of everything for me. I hated it! Loved the mornings we skipped though! *Good Times* The most important things to me are my family, friends, dogs, and music! There are a few people out there I would do ANYTHING for and you know who you are! I thank you for always being by my side and looking out for me! I dont like people who lie! Theres no need! People who think they're the only ones who matter have another thing coming! Dont "beat around the bush." If you have something to say to me, just tell me, im a good listener! If you crave attention, i'll be the last person to give you any. I love hanging out all night and having fun. I hate getting up in the morning. I like to draw..not as much as I used to but I still like it. I dont plan on changing for anybody so if theres something you dont're just gonna have to deal!

  I edited my profile with Thomas Myspace Editor V4.4 (

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

I have my friends!

My Blog

For my Gram

To My World:   You are the most beautiful soul that has every walked this earth! You were so in love with everything you had and you have always been like that.  I could talk to you about a...
Posted by on Thu, 16 Mar 2006 05:30:00 GMT