Just having fun doing something I love! Of course I usually find a way to have fun no matter what! I've been singing since I was a kid,(one of my Aunts used to tell my father"You should buy him a guitar!",wish he had,I'd be further along!) But I finally did get one,and then another,and another... lol. I'm mostly self-taught,(I love to learn...anything!),though I took a few lessons and have had help from friends,(Aaron Malone is an AMAZING player,thanks,buddy!) I've been playing out pretty regularly for almost two years now. It was kinda ugly at first,lol,had to get over the stage fright thing,(not so easy when you're up there all by yourself!),but I'm over it for the most part and getting better all the time(hopefully),although there's always something to improve on,(that goes for life in general too!). I'm actually a bit on the shy side,(didn't help the stage fright thing AT ALL! lmao!),so don't feel bad or hold it against me if I don't come over and say hi,(I'm not a jerk,at least I don't THINK so,and I've got nothing to be stuck-up about). You can always come up and say ,"Hey",or if I know you,a swift kick will get my attention!
Thanks for stopping by and feel free to leave any song ideas.