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LðVê ¥ðÚr§êL£ £ïR§† ßÈ£ÖrÈ ¥Öµ lÖvÈ §ÖmÈðñê êL§È*_^...Ha....Uhhhh SuP gUyS!!! Welc0me to my own disaster ??lol!!! mY n@m3s [+]J@§ß³†H [+]18 Y3aRS 0ld my birthday is in dec,24 I'm Pr3tTy dIfFeReNt, anD mY h3aRt b3aTs aT a MiLlIoN mIl3s aN hOuR, aNd I hAv3 y3t t0 fInD sOm3oNe lIk3 m3.... FiRsT oFf, I'm n0t aT aLl wHaT y0u eXp3cT, s0 d0n'T mIsInTeRpReT m3.. I'm n0t a VeRy 0p3n pErSoN aNd iT tak3s a l0t oF patIeNtS t0 g3t t0 kNoW tHe r3aL m3.. I aLs0 t3nD t0 mAk3 aLl tHe wRoNg d3cIsIoNs. BuT I l3aRn Fr0m 3v3rY sInGl3 oNe 0f Th3m aND tRy n0t t0 mak3 That sAm3 mIsTak3 aGaIn. I d0n'T eXp3cT a LoT fRoM tHe w0rLd rIgHt n0w, I'm hApPy wItH wHaT I'v3 g0t. JuSt b3iNg alIv3 iS eNoUgH t0 pl3as3 m3.. Pe0pLe wIlL c0m3 aNd g0 iN aNd oUt 0f y0uR lIf3, aNd s0m3tIm3s th3r3s n0tHiNg y0u can d0 t0 sToP tHeM.. Th3r3s n0 aVoIdInG iT aNd tHaTs jUsT tHe way lIf3 g0eS. BuT iN tHiS lIf3, y0u'Ll l3aRn tHaT n0t 3v3rY p3rSoN iS wOrTh s0bBiNg 0v3r. TrUsT m3. :) s0 iF yOu lIk3 wHaT y0u'v3 r3aD aNd aRe iNt3r3sTeD iN kNoWn m0r3 aBoUt m3>>> c0mMeNt m3 oR m3sSaGe m3 !!!] [þ.§ Ððñ'† å§k £ðr å k裏!!!] †åkê ðñê***ðh m§ñ : [jå§ßê†h4_êvêr@hð†måïl.¢ðm] ïm:[jå§ßê†h¹6] [þ³å¢³]get your own layout here.* *

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[+]12 SiGnS yOuRe FaLlInG iN L0Ve!!!!!!!!!!!![+]

12 signs you're falling in love..: 12. You can't stay mad at that him/her for more than a minute&and you actually have to try HARD to stay mad&. 11. You'll read his messages or texts over and over a...
Posted by on Thu, 01 Nov 2007 20:24:00 GMT