Better DrUnK than NoT profile picture

Better DrUnK than NoT

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About Me

Well...what to say? I live in Zagreb,Im a student,someday Im gonna be a teacher, looking forward to that...I have a lot of dreams I wanna make true, some of them is to visit Ireland and Russia someday,and maybe go to Africa to work with kids there.Anyway, we ll see about that...If I ever break down in this mad society, which is possible,I.ll go and stay there forever... I love music and movies,and adore books. I was and allways gonna be a dancer, I love that.. I paint,sing (wich doesnt mean I do it great) so when Im in a bad mood or depressed I just do some of that stuff and feel better...Id love to change a lot of things in this freakin world,and I know I cant,that fact makes me crazy sometimes...I dont have a lot of friends,maybe just a couple of them in my whole life...People suck :-) Just kiddin.., Im not complaining,that works for me just fine..I dont like playin with other children:) If I dont get to make all my wishes and dreams come true,Ill turn myself into a fairy or a mermaid and help other people, Im sick... :-) That would be all for now...If you folks wanna find out something more, just contact me and we..ll see...:) 50 short questions Survey!
Sleep with or without clothes on? depends on how I feel (and who I..m with)
Prefer black or blue pens? blue
Dress up on Halloween? yup, allways
Like to travel? adore to travel
Like Someone? oh yeah
Do they know? not sure...don.. think so
Who sleeps with you every night? like I..d tell you..
Think you're attractive? no
Want to get married? someday
To: Johnny Deep would be nice (but isn..t he already married? Oh shit...)
Are you a good student? for now
Are you currently happy? I think so
Have you ever cheated?? Been cheated on? yes and no (I suppose...)
Birthplace? Zagreb
Christmas or Halloween? Christmas
Colored or black-and-white photo? black-and-white, defenitley
Do long distance relationships work? I know they do
Do you believe in astrology? yes
Do you believe in love at first sight? been there, done that
Do you consider yourself the life of the party? when I..m in the mood for party
Do you drink? yes
Do you make fun of people? some people, yes:))
Do you think dreams eventually come true? I sure hope they do
Favorite fictional character? every main character from my favorite books
Go to the movies or rent? go
Have you ever moved? no
Have you ever stolen anything? when I was a kid
How's the weather right now? sunny and worm...or it..s just my imagination?
Last time you cut your hair? few weeks ago
Last person you talked to on the phone? Mateja
Last time you showered? last night
Loud or soft music? LOOOUUUDDD!!!
Mcdonalds or Burger King? niether
Night or day? depends on what I..m doing
Number of pillows? two
Piano or guitar? piano is good, guitar is better...
Future job? teacher
Current job? being a student
Current love? ..:) I would LOVE to go to Africa..:)
Current longing? cute boy named...
Current disappointment? don..t have any
Current annoyance? the fact that I have to clean the whole freakin house
Last thing you ate? sandwich
Last thing you bought? phones for Mp3
Most recent thing you are looking forward to? I..m looking forward to every new day that turnes up to be great
What are you hearing right now? music from my computer, and my neighbour yelling at his dog
Plans for the weekend? I sure hope I..m going somewhere tonight...
What did you do today? went shopping with mom,watch TV,..nothing special for now
Pick a lyric, any lyric or song? .." were my little girl baby girl, and I knew all your fears, such joy to had you in my arms and kiss away your tears...But now gone, there..s only pain, and nothing I can do...And I don..t want to live this life if I can..t live for you....." (Sid Vicious to Nancy)
Pick a movie quote? .."I will rather share one lifetime with you, than face all the ages of this world alone....."
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My Interests

I'd like to meet:

...every last freak in this world who feels like a freak, looks like a freak, has been told that hes a freak...but knows that freaks are planing the best PaRtY EvEr when this freakin world chrashes and we all go to hell !!!!!:))))) so, you still wanna go to heaven, or do ya wanna be a FREAK??!!Myspace Graphics
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Myspace LayoutsPablo Francisco - Bits and Pieces

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Bila ja vani ovaj vikend...kao, idem se malo proveselit, nisam dugo, stalno sjedim doma pred kompom il TV-om, vec sam dosadila i sebi i Bogu i svijetu... Sredimo se ja i frendica, obje uhvacene u mre...
Posted by on Mon, 16 Jul 2007 05:01:00 GMT


Ona i on, ljubav i zloba, meso i kost..:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /> `to maata ona prije no ato poput tenka T-84 uleti u brak i granatom najveceg promjera raz...
Posted by on Mon, 11 Jun 2007 13:18:00 GMT

sabd~ekt daznt egzist

.....Za sve zajebante i one koji se takvima osjecaju.......... Ajmo rec da sebe smatrash najvecim emotivcem na svijetu, da te sve ~ivo i ne~ivo mo~e povrijedit, da se u ljubavi zajebesh bez pol m...
Posted by on Mon, 11 Jun 2007 10:02:00 GMT

playing God

Meni je full dosadno i moram nesh zapisat ovak bezveze cisto da se ne srushim u nesvjest od nerada... Izabrah temu o kojoj sam nedavno citala, a to shto sam procitala samo je potvrdilo moje mialjenje ...
Posted by on Thu, 10 May 2007 13:10:00 GMT