Ol' Gregg profile picture

Ol' Gregg


About Me

ROBERT - The Survey
Name: Robert Euan McIntosh
Birthday: 14/9/87
Birthplace: Lewisham - near that chestnut-monkeybush (London)
Current Location: the mean slums of KL breh! word.
Eye Color: do you really need to know..?!..i mean really..like you're gonna go "oh he has the same eye colour as me!! Maybe we should be mates!" ....its blue...be my friend.
Hair Color: almost black (but seriously..see above)
Height: 6'4" of 100% pure, homegrown Rob
Right Handed or Left Handed: both! its amazing!..i must be great.
Your Heritage: mainly English but I'm selectively Irish and alil Egyptian..
The Shoes You Wore Today: Adidas old school, badboy, gangsta, brraaapness
Your Weakness: girls, cryptonite and a nice bit of brie (its great! Cheese is like chocolate, for men!)..i dont see beer as a weakness..
Your Fears: Shion, spiders (lol c'mon, as if "they're more scared of us then we are of them"!)..dunno an 8 foot Shionspider..with fish for eyes, a degree in IT and an issue with hairy people
Your Perfect Pizza: so much meat and spicyness that it could actually make you blind
Goal You Would Like To Achieve This Year: to stop being such a shit
Your Most Overused Phrase On an instant messenger: "care to come back to my snuffpit for some cheese-based nibbles and a cigarette?..its Benson & Hedges..and you've pulled."
Thoughts First Waking Up: "where is she..?"
Your Best Physical Feature: (",)
Your Bedtime: ..i'm 18..c'mon.
Your Most Missed Memory: the days of The Four..and the goalpost art week..
Pepsi or Coke: polarbears drinking cola, thats just stupid.
MacDonalds or Burger King: old MacDonald is cheap..for a reason and i think its abit of a grandious claim to say that the other one its actually royalty in the burger world. ah politics.
Single or Group Dates: still think group dates are just aukward and are ultimately leading to a booze-fuelled orgy with your mates. single.
Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea: too many questions
Chocolate or Vanilla: vanilla
Cappuccino or Coffee: cappuccino but with so much chocolate and cream that is just a hot chocolate for cowards who want to seem grown up
Do you Smoke: only because its cool (and i happen to have already heard through the grapevine its bad for you so keep it schtum you jealous armish pisscats)
Do you Swear: I prefer 'selective torettes'
Do you Sing: like an angel
Do you Shower Daily: once every other week, if not, yes.
Have you Been in Love: regularly
Do you want to go to College: no its full of needlessly angry rudies who issue a constent hiss of kissing-teeth and "chirpse" and "tax" your "whites" and "wax" them
Do you want to get Married: sometime..
Do you belive in yourself: no, im like the toothfairy or santa clause
Do you get Motion Sickness: can't be bothered any more..
Do you think you are Attractive: look this thing is just being rude now..
Are you a Health Freak: of all the freaks..im probably not that one
Do you get along with your Parents: *stays silent*...*hits mother in the eye*..*pretends it was an accident*
Do you like Thunderstorms: yes..they are my favorite type of storm (can get a tad tedious if your intrinsically declined though)
Do you play an Instrument: used to be a drummer but then it all went wrong (i lost my hands..im typing with my tongue)
In the past month have you Drank Alcohol: lol
In the past month have you Smoked: oh for gods sake
In the past month have you been on Drugs: well i do racks of rohypnol at the weekends
In the past month have you gone on a Date: ..i dunno..do you go on "dates" if you have a girlfriend?!
In the past month have you gone to a Mall: no, shopping center perhaps..
In the past month have you eaten a box of Oreos: argh here comes the rudeness again..look im not fat! i look like a malnutritioned white Etheopian
In the past month have you eaten Sushi: no she probably tastes of hair and Victor
In the past month have you been on Stage: no..i do miss stiener though
In the past month have you been Dumped: no..im counting the days though..:(
In the past month have you gone Skinny Dipping: in winter?! in Kings Langley?!..suppose i could take an exotic trip to Aqua Splash..
In the past month have you Stolen Anything: a pen from "D" at college..am i a bad person..?
Ever been Drunk: no (he says sitting in his own piss and vomit cercled by special brew cans..with a...laptop...strangely)
Ever been called a Tease: the details to that information are strictly confidential...shion(",)
Ever been Beaten up: hell no!..even if i've deserved it..(Mr Toad and i pretend to in an anebreated fashion on a regular basis)
Ever Shoplifted: there was a minor phase years ago..now i only rape and mug people
How do you want to Die: comicly
What do you want to be when you Grow Up: a commander of an underground race of genious (but easily lead) catratmonkeyfish with whips and hammers for hands. They would clean my shoes.....(wel, try)
What country would you most like to Visit: Narnia or Jurassic Park
In a Boy/Girl..
Favourite Eye Color: red. Wreathed in flame...abit like that big one next to Mount Doom..(to be honest, I tend to compare all my women to the dark Lord Sauron..just a childhood crush of mine)
Favourite Hair Color: grey, with split-ends and copious amounts of dandruff please..
Short or Long Hair: long body hair, bald on top..kinda like a Haari Krishna Queen Kong..
Height: any woman taller then me, well..they are frankly not welcome in society, little people are always fun - they get so angry though!..years of abuse and ridicule I expect..
Weight: immorally fat, so they look like they belong in the sea
Best Clothing Style: emo/boho/trendy
Number of Drugs I have taken: what the smashtits bluecat gerbilskin is rockfaul, cat?
Number of CDs I own: not a scooby my friend (I am aware that technically a quiz is not a friend, but when you regurgitate such verbal fieces as me, you've gotta get em' while you can..)
Number of Piercings: 93, which, collectively resemble a map of South America on my back
Number of Tattoos: none, but I am considering one of Raj on my face..
Number of things in my Past I Regret: hmmm I dunno, how many cows you got?..(to be honest I am slightly regretful of participating in this stupid quiz - I'm so bored I may turn bulemic)
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My Interests

pasta, CDs, Shion (interesting stuff!), Jerome, and why hes so fat, Ovaltine, cats, supersternal notches of the dopey kind, male nipples, have i started making pasta again..?, metro-sexuallity, Ed and that nose, everyone calls him Tuffy, a good hoe-down, brie, a nice gin and a film noir, air-geetahtoWelcomeHome whilststumblinghomefromthePalace, typing bollocks to amuse myself..

I'd like to meet:

You Are Wolverine
Small but fierce, you're a great fighter.
Watch out! You are often you're own greatest enemy.

Powers: Adamantium claws, keen senses, the ability to heal quickly


Chili Peppers, Franz Ferdinand, Arctic Monkeys, Foo Fighters, Death Cab For Cutie, the Coral, Coheed and Cambria, the Calling, Bloc Party, Athlete, Snow Patrol, Adam Kay & Simon Bizwas, Richard Cheese, the Cure, the Cranberries, Jack J baby!, Damian Rice, the Distillers, Thrice, Birds Of Confusion (R.I.P), Embrace, Muse, Eric Clapton, Eva Cassidy in the morning, Ash, Green Day (im only a Dookie cookie im afraid), PANIC! at the Disco (only ONE song bun!!), James Blunt, Phat-shit-from-Jurassic, Kaiser Chiefs, Kasabian, Coldplay, Kean, Oh-how-could-i-forget!! THE KILLERS!, Louis Armstrong, the Mars Volta, Postal Service, Nirvana, Guns n' Roses, Jimi Hendrix (only cos its cool to say that..), Oasis, Placebo, the Prodigy, Radiohead, Queen, Razorlight, Reel Big Fish, St Germain, Air, Steriophonics, Hard-Fi, the Stranglers, the Strokes, the Yeah Yeah Yeahs, Tenatious D, the Unicorns, the White Stripes, Zero 7, the Zutons, System of a Down, 2Many DJs, Taskforce, John Legend, Frank Sinatra, Jehst, Dr Dre, Eminem (old stuff), D-Block, DMX, Snoop Dog, 50 Cent, Ludacris, Chemical Brothers, Cassidy, Jay-Z, Ben E King, Tupac, Black Thought, M.O.P., Black Eyed Peas (hey at least im being honest!), the Game, Gorillaz, Guru, Kings of Leon, Lil John, Mobb Deep, Nas, Diddy (or whatever hes called now), Wu-Tang, Run-DMC, EPMD, A tribe Called Quest, Doug E Fresh, Slick Rick, Grandmaster Flash, Funkmaster Flex, Afrika Bumbaataaa, Public Enemy, N.W.A, Beastie Boys, the 2live Crew, the Roots, Roots Manuva, Killa Kela, Necro & Ill Bill, Biggie Smalls, Rahzel, bolivian pelvic rustlers, minge teaser and the trembling mound, toddlers dont need to kneel, cum in my eye i love it really, german ice rapists.....and a spot of Beetoven when im annoyed. ...but y'know, I never really got into to whole "music" thing.. (like you care anyway.)


basically all gangsta movies...scareface, goodfellas, the godfathers, etc..and british movies like layer cake, lock stock..., snatch, football factory, etc...


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Chris Morris. Nan. Gervais.