My daughter and my girlfriend. Art, vinyl toys, sticker, skateboard and video games.
Brit pop, rock 70's and jazz.
Fearing ans loathing in Las Vegas, Monty Python and the Holy Grail, Indiana Jones trilogy, Evil dead, Calmos, Les tontons flingueurs, Brain dead, The thing, 28 days after, dawn of the dead, Shaun of the dead, Texas chainsaw massacre, Ghost dog, dawn by low, The good the bad and the ugly, Goodfellas, Star wars original first trilogy, The Fearless Vampire Killers, Punch drunk love, Human nature, Eternal sunshine of the spotless mind, The brain, Le grand détournemnt, Beetlejuice, The Nightmare Before Christmas...
Bottom, Peep show, Extras, Spaced, Father Ted, The Office (british version), Black Books, Heroes, Malcom in the middle,Six feet under, Curb your enthusiasm, Seinfeld...
Art, graffiti and graphism and sometimes something written.
Topsi.Frank Zappa.
Jeff Soto.
Albert Dupontel