Design and Innovation Making lots of bucks by inventing a cool new product.
I would love to meet a cool emo that has swishy black hair over their face, a nice tight band tee of their favourite "emotional" band, and their 7 year old sisters little jeans stretched on for maximum coolness........ One that will read poetry to me when I am down and will cry with me for attention, also pretend to cut ourselves, that would be drastic man! I would like to meet a kid that talked in lyrics, like: "The dark heavens open and rain drops fall. Rain pouring onto the face of the Earth,likethe tears that run rivers down mine" Be cool to meet one that likes to put their tounge in other boys mouths....its not gay honest! a boy that gets called "sweet" and "nice". A kid that knows all the good music like finch and funeral for a friend, so we can sing our blessed hearts out. He would have to moan about his life, even though hes a middle-class kid who actually has a good life. a boy who is in touch with his feminine side.....thats a real man!
Set it straight-champion-Comeback kid-Bane-down to nothing-black flag-minor threat-kids like us-stop at nothing-Lion of Judah-Modern life is war-Fucked up-have heart-with honor-shai hulud-shook ones-final fight-Alex Humphreys etc
This is england, Donnie Darko!!, children of men, Face off, the rock, die hard's, Shawshank Redemption, lord of the rings, the usual suspects, Monty Pythons!!!!!, kill bill, fight club, forrest gump, twin town, lucky number slevin, resevior dogs, pulp fiction., transformers, Simpsons
Angels and demons-di vinci code-the hobbit-Deception point-digital fortress-harry potter Recommend me something!!
Larry Goodfella and all my new AMERICAN friends!!!!