Décolonisons! Africa wants to be free - Acte IITwo years after the first compilation by Survie (reviewed by Mondomix), the French NGO releases another militant album on the country's neo-colonialist attitudes towards Africa. This time, artists from both West Africa and France come together to drive home the consequences of Paris' political, military and economic policies in its former colonies. These not only affect the lives of millions of Africans, it also has a debilitating effect on the children of African migrants who are born and have grown up in France's worst ghettoes.
'Ma Lettre au Président' by French-Moroccan Axiom is perhaps the best known. It was written during the widespread ghetto uprisings of November 2005, and articulates the anger and perspicacity of a new generation led by young rappers. Cleverly mixing the national anthem with one of France's best-loved protest songs ('Déserteur' by Boris Vian), Axiom demands basic civil rights akin to the movement that swept the United States in the Sixties.
A more somber picture is provided by the brilliant rapper Casey and her 'Dans Nos Histoires'. She links the brutal history of European colonisation with the marginalisation and bitterness her fellow-citizens experience in the suburbs.
As with the previous album Survie allies established figures like Tiken Jah Fakoly, Tata Pound and Didier Awadi with budding talents on both continents. Several of the songs are exclusives that could be springboards for the latter. The popular Malian Lassy King Massassy, the angry collective M.A.P. (Ministère des Affaires Populaires) and French globe-trotter Kwal are new artists to watch out for. (...)
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Liens vers les sites de SURVIE :
(documents audio et video de Survie)