Hiking & Skiing! I can't wait to get on my new skies and get going this winter -18 days and counting!
Moving to a new place forces you to meet new people - I'm all maxed out! Now if I meet someone new thats great but if not I just consider myself lucky for the people I do know.
Anything but country and Sex music - I really hate sex music!
Focus films are making the best new films - Swimming Pool, 21 Grams, Lost in Translation! There all so great.
Nip tuck was my vaforite new show - but then they started reaching for a plot - It's Always Sunny in Philidelphia is the greatest show to ever hit television.
"The book of Fate" Rocks! and now I'm reading "Running with Sissors" it's kind of disturbing but I do like it. I can't wait to see the movie!
My parents, when I'm with them I take them for granted but when they arn't here I miss them like crazy. My mother is the strongest women I know and my dad, well if you know me you know my dad! Superhero! both of them.