Phiebie Hutchins~ The Psalmist profile picture

Phiebie Hutchins~ The Psalmist

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me


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(((( A PASTOR’S DAUGHTER))))((( There's sooooooo much that's attached to that title...LORD HELP!!!)))))((( starting off I must add that I grew up with a Baptist and Pentecostal background.....very strict!!!!)))) You learn so much about people being a Pastor's learn those who are real and those who are not.... Those who hang around for what you got and who you know and those who have your best interest at heart...…((((((((A PASTOR’S DAUGHTER))))))))......You maintain a level of dignity , stamina , style , class, pride, moral and ethics values…..always keeping your head up, even when you want to scream>>>>>>>>>>>>>†¦..never displaying the appearance of need.…or brokenness….. wearing a mask, with a big smile on your face….saying “ thank you”..”God Bless”…”pray for me”… when you know who has stabbed you and your family in the back…(((((((A Preacher‘s Daughter))))))…The world watches you, to see if you will fall flat on your back…you can‘t do too much wrong in the sight of others, for they will remind you of who you are(~ it’s like the Saul/Paul conversion~) , what you say you stand for and where you come from….((((((A PASTOR‘S DAUGHTER)))))).... there isn't too much I haven't seen or heard.....this is why I am very partial to CLERGY… .I've seen first hand the struggles they are faced with each day....Through it all ,the man and women of God still has to stand and proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Speaking " Truth to Power". .Well, let me say===The body of Christ === has treated me well…….. I have been loved from the time I was spanked on the behind~~~~ til…..this very day. So many people have embraced me , nurtured me, trusted me and LOVED me.....unconditionally~~~~ Some say I am SPOILED~~ One of my best girlfriends say “ NO, YOU ARE JUST “Loved A lot”…~All I can say is……. I’m blessed and I pray I’ve been mutual to all who have been and still is apart of my JOURNEY……. ~~~~~Phiebie~~~~~ began her musical journey at the tender age of 4 at the Samaria Baptist Church in Kerns, TX where her father served as Pastor.~~~ Phiebie~~~ is not afraid of the church nor the work there of. You could say she was "BORN" in the church... Never leaving the "Ark of Safety" Sassy and Classy, her mother knew she was ready for piano and vocal music. Since then, her journey never stopped. I am very out going~~ very theatrical~~~ witty~~~ and most say I am "TOUCHED"...LOL!!! We'll I know better. I love people, but, I have learned to be a loner~~~yeah, buddy~~~….. I roll solo….. ~~~I’ve always been a “RIDE OR DIE” Chick….. Would fight at a heart beat….( I know, you can’t believe that, can you?), well believe it…~~~~ All I can say is, God has BROUGHT mE from a MI ghty …a mighty…long way………love to have good "CLEAN" fun. I don't meet strangers.....I don't have many enemies. ( that I know of..LOL)..... I LOVE TO SING.....I am a straight up GOSPEL singer….. I have the spirit of my grandmother….some say, I even sound like her…. LOL!!!!!!!!! I like those songs with lyric meaning……and music with no lyrics…….you know , those that touch your heart and soul………. I KNOW IF MY UP CLOSE AND PERSONAL FRIENDS ARE READING THIS...THEY SURE CAN AGREE WITH ME ON THAT ONE!!!!!!! I SING FOR THE LORD FIRST...... I also sing with a local R&B and Jazz Band........ Phiebie Studied classical and jazz vocal performance at Dallas Baptist University. And is currently on the road to HIGHER AND HIGHER vocal Education ( can’t tell it all right now, the enemy is always looking to bring you down…you know what I’m talking about) Phiebie is actively involved in her church and her community. Phiebie is a Certified Lay Speaker in the North Texas Conference of the United Methodist Church serving in the Dallas South District. She is a certified Lay Speaker in her conference and is sought out within her city and abroad….She’s currently serves in the music ministry of the St. Luke “Community” United Methodist Church. Phiebie is an anointed vocalist and a highly requested leader in vocal music; she has been blessed to work with some of the greatest local Ministers of Music (Minister Monya Davis-Logan , St. Luke CUMC, Minister Paul Jackson~Antioch Fellowship Missionary Baptist Church , Pamela Williams~ Antioch FMBC and Minister Jason Ward~Bexar St. Missionary Baptist Church, who are her personal accompanist) and national recording artist (Minister Byron Cage, Minister Jeffery LaValley, Minister Kevin Bond, V. Michael McKay, Minister Pamela Jean Davis, Bishop Walter Hawkins, Minister John P Kee, Minister Kirk Franklin, Minister Myron Butler, Pastor Shirley Caesar, Bobbie Jones) and many more. Her life is made more complete with the love she shares with her two sons, Cameron and Blake Hutchins. She applies the word of God as it is written in the book of Philippians, “ Do not be anxious for anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving present your requests to God and the peace of God, which passes all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus” To whom much is Given, Much is required!


My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Xpreshunz at the winery



My Blog

For those who love me.... I thank GOD!

Just sitting here tonight, tired and restless; not for any particular reason. My mind is on the goodness of God! I see life and how fast it passes us by and so many times we go throughout our day to...
Posted by on Sat, 30 Aug 2008 23:24:00 GMT