Silly Songs w/Silly Guys profile picture

Silly Songs w/Silly Guys

About Me

Silly Songs with Silly Guys was formed one drunken night when a mighty clown gave birth to the three silliest human beings ever. For years they honed their comedy skills under the clown god's tutelage. Doug learned slapstick and innuendo, Rex honed his wit and insults, and Vaughn learned subtlety and self deprecation. (Hey, it's funny.) Then, one day, they decided to become a band. Unfortunately, there was no musical ability to be found anywhere in the group. Realizing that that never stopped any other band (Paris Hilton anyone) the silly guys embarked on a new lifelong campaign. Rex figured out how to play rhythm guitar, Vaughn learned piano and drums, and Doug learned eggshaker and how to harmonize. Now, they've become the most amazingest Rock/Folk/Blues/Jungle band in the entire world.

My Interests


Member Since: 04/11/2006
Band Members: Rex Daugherty, Vaughn Irving, Doug Wilder
Influences: Rita
Sounds Like: A train colliding with a busfull of screaming kindergardeners.
Record Label: Wayside Theatre
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

Intro Song

Hey hey we're the silly guysHere to make you laugh with our silly linesAt least we'll give it a tryBut the show is better if your drunkWe always aim to pleaseBut sometimes we miss miserablyBut if you ...
Posted by on Tue, 21 Nov 2006 05:21:00 GMT