dillon nebolsky.
You've become more than a best friend to me. & so much more than just a boyfriend. Your what i wake up smiling about every morning. Your hand is the one i hold when im feeling uneasy your touch is what puts me over the edge & your kisses are always there when i need them the most. This past 8 months has been spectacular. We've been through all the downs a young relationship could have, but the ups & the love we share overpowers it all. Im so in love with you & your the first guy i can actually say that about. I love you for who you are inside & out. You're the most amazing thing thats happened to me in so long. & i know we went through a recent stage of almost giving up for good, but something kept us together & we've both made positive changes. Im so happy your mine & so happy to be "US." I love you pickle. [060307] -- til forever. i promise.