The Terapede profile picture

The Terapede

Lament the coming of the war tortoise!

About Me

I secured the house with blast doors and fled the country in 1991. ..

My Interests

Searching, creating, toiling, living, exploring, consuming, playing, flying, recycling, computing, appreciating, pontificating, postulating, processing, masticating, speculating, colonizing

I'd like to meet:

James Morasco - Arnold Toynbee - Stanley Kubrick


The Terapede (The Terapede is influenced by the following: Mastodon, Clutch, Dillinger Escape Plan, Lamb of God, The Mars Volta, Dredg, NIN, Tool, Opeth, Intronaut, The Sword, QOTSA, Open Hand, Sigur Ros, Telefon Tel Aviv, Mice Parade, Jaga Jazzist, Radiohead, Muse, Cave In, AFI, Pink Floyd, Led Zeppelin, Frank Sinatra, Franz Ferdinand, Thomas Newman, Danny Elfman, John Williams, Gershwin, DeBussy ......)


Indiana Jones Trilogy, Close Encounters, ET, Goonies, Saving Private Ryan, Black Hawk Down, Die Hard, Seven, Fight Club, Amelie, M. Night Movies, Last Samurai, generally any Spielberg, any decent war movie, and any decent science fiction.


Adult Swim, Invader Zim, Arrested Development, Hockey


Bill Watterson, HP Lovecraft, Isaac Asimov, Philip K. Dick, Robert Heinlein, Orson Scott Card, JRR Tolkien, Arthur C Clarke, Mark Twain, Jhonen Vasquez


Scientists, Mathematicians, Spiritual Leaders, Soldiers, Artists of all kinds, anyone who is actively propelling the human race into the future. ..This profile was edited with MySpace Profile Editor MySpace Profile Editor

My Blog


Hurtled outward today at about 17000 mph most of the day. Retro rockets have finally been disabled. Their unceasing roar was beginning to wear thin my patience. Just put in a media disc. The sound...
Posted by The Terapede on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST