Drama, debating, tennis, travel, directing, design, AI, Business Intelligence, photography (romano011.deviantart.com), music music music music is my life :), politics...
My late grandfather, whom I'm named after.
Heartland rock, southern rock, mainstream and alt country, pop rock, soul, swing, classical music, soft music, acoustic rock, gospel... Basically anything with a decent melody, but I tend to like softer music more than harder.
Almost Famous, Once Upon a Time in America, Little Miss Sunshine, Shindler's List, In America, Amelie Poulain, Back to the Future... Cameron Crowe, James L. Brooks, Spielberg, Robert Zemeckis, older works of Oliver Stone, Milos Forman...
Seinfeld, South Park, House MD, The Simpsons, American Idol, Whose Line is it Anyway, The Tonight Show with Jay Leno, Family Guy
The Great Gatsby, 1984, 100 Years of Solitude, The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, Na Drini Cuprija...
Zoran Djindjic Mohandas Gandhi John Lennon Pete Sampras My Mom :)