****Musicians from ALL OVER THE WORLD, no matter what skill/professional level you are at who fit into this Electronic, Experimental, Other genre (see the artists below). To expose yourself on my show please send a couple of mp3s to my email (read my blog or message me for this information) if your myspace page does NOT already have songs that are downloadable. Also, if you will be having a performance in Los Angeles County or Orange County, please feel free to send me the information so I may display it below. Pictures/slide shows of your performances, studios, gear, etc. are ALWAYS welcome and you may also send those to my email for posting on this page. I also conduct interviews so let me know if you would like to come in or call in to talk about your next album, tour, vacations, and life in general. I would love to have you on as a guest. Your support and contributions are greatly appreciated.****
****Fans, newcomers of this musical genre who find that the regular radio shows just play the same music over and over again and never play enough Experimental, Electronic based music that you know is out there someplace for you to indulge in. Now you have a place here on KDHR.net Radio where you can broaden your musical palette & experience the analog and the digital music of artists from all around the world! If you know of someone whom fits into what I’m exposing listeners to and you think they should be exposed on the air or if YOU yourself would like to be exposed, please send a message here or to my email.****
PLEASE NOTE: If you would like to be EXPOSED on the air and are wondering what kind of music I EXPOSE on the air, you should listen through the songs I have on the tape above & see profiles I have on my top freinds list. You should also look through my Playlist Menus, which are posted on my blog to see which artists have been EXPOSED. I play almost anything in THIS GENRE but if you do not fit into this catergory I will add you as you requested so you may EXPOSE Yourself as a freind/supporter/fan only.
Don't forget to leave a comment when you can & thanks for listening.
"Swan" performed by Masami Takeuchi
"Rubber Johnny" APHEX TWIN
"Song of Mable" performed on Matryomin (Matrioshka shaped theremin) by Mable