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There's no point of living if you've got nothing worth dieing for.

About Me

Myspace Layouts at / Wrath of the moon goddess

..................................Im too Munchkin, I wanna be tall like a troll!!! Okay I got that across. Hmmm, right: I'm a Russian-Estonian(as in I did speak Russian at one point...not Estonian...but I forgot it). I am a student at the moment, don't take school seriously cause Im always doing what ever other passion I come up with. But seeing as this is the last year, I have to make a good impression if a plan to study overseas.I'm learning Japanese. I'm a really...odd person. I'm a bit paranoid of vvhat people think of me, vvhich is vvhy I'm alvvayas I generally nice guy. I'm crap vvith remembering names...or anything for that matter. I've got a bit of a dark sense of humour. I'f I end up getting to trust certain friends better I stop becoming the 'quiet one' and become the 'loud one.'
You scored as agnosticism. You are an agnostic. Though it is generally taken that agnostics neither believe nor disbelieve in God, it is possible to be a theist or atheist in addition to an agnostic. Agnostics don't believe it is possible to prove the existence of God (nor lack thereof).Agnosticism is a philosophy that God's existence cannot be proven. Some say it is possible to be agnostic and follow a religion; however, one cannot be a devout believer if he or she does not truly believe.
















Which religion is the right one for you? (new version)
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You Are From Pluto
You are a dark, mysterious soul, full of magic and the secrets of the universe.
You can get the scoop on anything, but you keep your own secrets locked in your heart.
You love change and you use it to your advantage, whether by choice or chance.
You don't like to compromise, to the point of being self-destructive with your stubborness.
Live life with love, and your deep powers will open the world to you. What Planet Are You From?

My Interests

Intrested the film industry. Trying to become a Film Director and hopefully study oversea, like America (If I have to go Cuban and rovv there...I Will.Also enjoy acting. I tried it as a seventh subject... but soon buggered off, for the reason that the Silibuse contained only a 'Proudly Apartheid regiem' Work. Plus the pupils Were 5 years ahead of me and HIPPIES. I just finished a year workshop at ACT CAPE TOWN and done a L.A.M.D.A course.Other intrests: Music, Going partying or just plain going out With friends, Astronomy, Politics, Philosophy, History, Eastern Asian Culture, Gaming (PC), SWimming, Art, Martial Arts, Technology.Your results:
You are Green Lantern Green Lantern 80% Batman 75% Superman 70% Spider-Man 65% The Flash 65% Robin 52% Supergirl 47% Wonder Woman 47% Hulk 45% Catwoman 45% Iron Man 35% Hot-headed. You have strong
will power and a good imagination.
Click here to take the "Which Superhero are you?" quiz...

I'd like to meet:

Any people who have similar intersts, if they've got a good sense of humour. I also like eccentric people Who have their oWn vieW on life. Even if its different to fact its better if its different to mine. I prefer to constantly learn neW thing about my friends. So eccentric = good.Hovvever I hate arrogance (superiority complex) and stupidity. By stupidity I mean people, vvho's brains are betvveen their legs. People vvho have no vievv of life, have no logical reason of performing certain activities (like follovving a religion just because you are born into it, or that you just cannot think for yourself.)O...and vvhen I say logical thinking, I DONT bloody all mean EMO anti-conformists. That's vvorse than a normal conformists!To the dilusioned sex obsessed paedophiles... plz piss off novv!Other vvise I am a genuine, loyal friendly guy.
The Good , the bad and the ugly - A survey of your life by el_tino
* So basically.. *
Name?: Phillipp
Age?: 18
Sex?: Male
Birth Date?: 23/01/89
Hair Color?: Blonde
Eye Color?: Blue
Height?: Munchkin
Weight?: +-62kg
Body Type?: Slim...
Piercings?: No
Tattoos?: no, but vvant one across my back
What are you wearing right now?: Jeans and T shirt
What is your hairstyle at the moment?: um...bed head.
* Favorites *
Soda?: Grapetiser
Food?: Sushi...mmm
Drinks?: Ansvvered already
Alcoholic drink?: Vana Tallinn (Estonian liqueur)
Time of day?: Midnight. Love the night.
Season?: VVinter, vvith snovv
Day of the week?: Friday
Song at the moment?: It changes daily
Band/artist?: Evenescence
Book?: Don't read much... Angels and demons 5
Subject in school?: History
Place in the USA?: Bloody Americans, not every one lives there!
Place outside the USA?: Home H
Color?: Cyan
Style of clothes?: Moscovv
Store?: um...not such a regular shopper
Mall?: Cavandish
City?: Tokyo .
Website?: Do I get brovvny points for saying Myspace
Magazine?: Popular mechanics
Kind of pet?: Chovv Chovv dog or Husky dog
* Worst *
Place to be?: School
Class in school?: Maths. Can u really tell me Trig vvill enlighten me.
Time of day?: 6:15: avvaking up for School.
Season?: ??? Spring
Kind of pet?: Bloody Hampsters, they alvvays bite me!
Drink?: Beer
Food?: Vegetables are bad for your heart.
Mall?: Blue Root
Store?: Camping shops
Style of clothes?: PEP ?
Celebrity?: Adam Sandler... Heretic
Color?: Yellovv
Book?: Shit American Cold vvar anti-Russian
Type of music?: R@B
Website?: /
Magazine?: Fishing or Golf
* Daily Life *
When do you get up?: School 6:15 and 11:00 in vveekends
What is your first thought?: Shovver
What do you do first?: Shovver
What is your usual outfit?: Hovv many times u gonna ask me this?
What is your first class of the day?: Usually Biology
When does school end?: 5:00 pm
Do you see your friends?: ya
What do you do when you get home?: EAT!
What time do you go to bed?: 11:00 or 2 at night
* Do you... *
Brush your teeth daily?: Yes
Brush your hair daily?: No
Shower daily?: Yes or Tvvice
Sing?: In the shovver
Dance?: Yes
Party?: Yes
Get drunk?: Just Hovv Drunk?
Have sex?: No
Read books?: Sometimes
Listen to music a lot?: Ya
Read magazines?: Ya
Go .. a lot?: Ya
Have a religion?: Agnostic-Atheist. ie no
Have an iPod?: Yes
Want an iPod?: vvhy not
Have a girlfriend/boyfriend?: no
Play an instrument?: Piano for 2 years
Get sick a lot?: only vvhen its school
Watch TV?: yes
Like MTV?: Too much pop, R@B and Rap... But I like MTV 2
Like VH1?: A bit
Like the History Channel?: YA
Have digital cable?: No
Have more than 500 channels on your TV?: I'M jealous... vvho does
Listen to the radio?: No
Still use your CD player?: IPOD baby
Stalk people?: No
Have more than 200 buddies in your buddy list?: *sob*
Have dial-up internet?: ADSL
Have AOL?: A..O... Huh?
Know HTML?: Ya... Im not vvrighting it
Have a GPA higher than 3.9?: ?
Do well in honors classes?: Not there yet
* Music *
Do you listen to rap?: No
Blues and/or Jazz?: No
Classical?: No
Pop?: preferably not
Country?: No
Emo/Screamo?: VVTF, thats not a genre. Too generalized
Heavy Metal?: Normal, industrial, power, heavy... but only limited death and black Metal
Christian?: No
Techno?: Its okay
Reggae?: ?
Broadway Musical Songs?: No
Oldies?: No
* In a boyfriend/girlfriend *
Hair color?: Blonde or Black
Eye color?: dont care
Tattoos?: I dont mind some, but not drovvning in them
Piercings?: no
Favorite Music?: Alternate Rock Metal
Style of clothing?: Not flashy...but got statement
Body type?: um...slim
Personality or looks?: Personality...k I am old school. Hovvever not overvveight
Would you go out with someone just for their money?: NO
Do you go on "Pity Dates"?: Pity?
Does size matter?: huh?
Do they have to be popular?: no
Does the guy ask the girl out or the other way around?: Either I dont play these Romantic Rule games. Must be genuine
Where do you go on the first date?: I vvould never stick to the same routine
Kiss on the first date?: Depends on the moment
Sex on the first date?: No
* Right Now *
Do you think you look good right now?: No. Replace the nose and stretch me a bit. Then I think I vvill
Are you eating something?: no
Are you drinking something?: Just Juice
Are you IMing anyone?: IMA...huh?
Are you talking on the phone with someone?: no
Are you talking face-to-face with someone?: I typing this!
What are you listening to?: Free by Povverman 5000
What are you watching on TV?: OMG
What other websites do you have open?: Mpeg-search
* What do you believe? *
Do you believe in ghosts?: Not till I get physical proof
The afterlife?: O hope to hell there is.
Aliens?: ie: Extraterrestrial life...YES. VVere not that special to be the only ones.
God?: Im Agnostic.
The devil?: No...Humans are responsible for their ovvn deeds.
Heaven?: no
Hell?: no
Scientology?: No
Hinduism?: no
Buddhism?: I've got great respect for it... but no.
Christianity?: No
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More into the Alternate Rock, Metal... even certain Punk Rock Bands(The Key Word is CERTAIN.) Right...okay. Top doWn: Evanescence, Linkin Park, System of a DoWn, Rammstein(Do I understand But it's still cool.) Red Hot Chlli Peppers, Limp Bizkit, 30 Seconds to Mars, Placebo, Tenacious D, The Darkness, Tool, Incubus, Muse, Aquaria, Arch Enemy, Aural Vampire, Dragon Force, Rob Zombie, Rage Against the Machine, Rage Against, Goo Goo Dolls, Korn, Slipknot, Billy Talent, The Hives ect...Though got a ear for The Bloodhoundgang, Bon Jovi, Black eyed Pleas and some techno/trance.Rammstein - Benzin

Add to My Profile | More VideosRammstein: Ohne Dich

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I got a passion for films. Hope to be a Director een dag.Favourite Movie 'The Matrix trilogy.' bloody amazing... V for Vendetta, Star Wars, Minority Report, Thank you for smoking,Lord of the Rings...Letters from Iwo Jima, The Departed, Lord of War, Sin city and the other Quinton Tarantino movies plus any WachoWski brothers movies, Memoirs of a Geisha, A beautiful mind, Munich, Hotel Rwanda, Saw 1 and 3 (2 wasn't that good), Silent Hill, Driving lessons, Little Miss Sunshine.Plus Willing to see any horror Movies (NOT teen horror movies)


The First time I saW South Park the Movie, I ended up going paraletic With laughter. SOuth Park is defiately number one. Prison Break (only saW the first series), will and grace, The Simpsons. O and vvhen I can get my hands on it... Naruto!Plus Discovery and History channel.


Not much of a reader. Takes alot of energy (from friends as Well) to get me reading a book...But if its good, I get totally stuck in and end up becoming really anti-social. Dan BroWns books and Harry Porter series is really all that Ive read. The rest are really ARB things like 'A Planet for the President'(Random), and The Hitchhikers guide to the Galaxy and the God DelusionI Stick to Magazines like Popular Mechanics.


Hero is a bit of a shit vvord to use. Say I admire their achievements: Morgan Freeman, Ewan McGregor, WachoWski brothers, Albert Einstein, Richard Dawkins, Stephen Hawking, Christopher Hichens, James Randi, Tsar: Peter the great, Alexandra the great, Vladimir Lenin, Mahatma Gandi, General Erwin Rommel, Neo. (Odd combination)

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VVE need more ppl like this!

  CHAIN LETTER Hello, my name is Billy and I suffer from guilt for not forwarding 50 billion fucking chain letters sent to me by people who actually believe if you send them on, a poor six year ...
Posted by Phill on Tue, 27 Mar 2007 01:38:00 PST