Silas Katzenbach profile picture

Silas Katzenbach

About Me

Born in 1983 in the little town Bad Schwallbach in the Taunus area in Hessen, Germany... In 2000 Silas Katzenbach visited his first techno party. At least after this event this kind of music began to be one of his main aims and interests, but people whispering he tended to electronical music all along. He made his first steps with the music software Cubase in 2001. Then in 2002 he bought his first vinyl record. He gave his first public DJ performance in the discotheque TanzhausWest in Frankfurt, Germany in 2004. Thats it.

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My Interests


Member Since: 04/11/2006
Influences: Everything and nothing.
Sounds Like: I don't know... I think it's something like techno music...
Record Label: Copyriot Records
Type of Label: Indie