PyratePunx: Frisco Crue profile picture

PyratePunx: Frisco Crue

About Me

Extended Network Banner made with! Click here to make your own!Ahoy ~ HELLcome To Our LiL' Page! Frisco Pyrate Punx is a non profit organization made up of women/men/trans gender/queer/straight and everything in between individuals,that set up shows for the underground Punx Rawk (in all it's genres) music scene/community. Pretty much stuff that's not mainstream. We provide a safe/ish place for bands to play and be heard, and for punx/metal heads/crusties/thrashers etc of all ages to come out and support and have fun. All the bands are paid provided by cover charges at the door, So please support your local music scene and don't haggle with the door guy, pay the $5-8. We have been building your music scene in the bay area for many years and have made many freinds along the way- thnx to those that support our community/scene. We are very open minded to what you all would like to hear around da bay area, feel free to post messages, polls or e-mail us if you would like any more information, or have comments or suggestions. Please stay posted for events and shows happening in your area. We do all ages shows a couple times a month at a few different venues, and we also do bar gigz here & thar. Please step up and be a voice, this is your community, it is up to you to voice what you would like to hear & partake of. We will do our best to provide for da underground punk rawk music community. We have many things planned for the future, and many ideas in play, so again, please stay tuned! danks! ~ Frisco Pyrate Punx Crue!if yr band fits into these genre's; thrash, punk, grind, H/C, metal, crossover, power violence, crust, anarcho, sludge, doom, oi, d-beat and yr looking for show help in the bay area, get in touch. we make no promisese but will do our best to help touring bands with a bay area gig/crash space. PLEASE no facist, racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic bullshit. we're all about bringing people together in a safe autonomous zone- not tearing others down based on socital isms and phobias.

My Interests


Member Since: 04/11/2006
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Sounds Like: booking shows in da SF bay area for; punk, H/C, power violence, metal, grind, crossover, sludge, doom, d-beat, oi, thrash, crust bands for many years. bands we've hooked up; Hirax, Phobia, Rotten Sound(Finland), Dysmorfic (Italy), Population Reduction, Voetsek, Faggot, Funeral Shock, Maggot Colony,Skarp, the Accused, Municipal Waste, Skinned Alive, Insect Warfare, Masacre, World Downfall (Japan), Utter Bastard, the Endless Blockade (Canada), Kylesa, Colesium, Torche, Riistetyt(Finland), Garmonbozia, Second Opinion, Manipulation, Line Up Yr Lies, A.R.M., Ill Repute, Benumb, Lack Of Interest, Impaled, Book Of Black Earth, Insanity, Annihilation Time, Black Goat, Witch Hunt and many more.
Record Label: SELFISH SATAN RECORDINGS and PyratePunx Recordz
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

Song Disclaimer:

Dis 'ere be our Disclaimer in some way. We post up songz o' bandz dat 'ave played for us Past, Present & we 'ope near Future again & dat They az people & musicianz are close ta our heart &...
Posted by on Thu, 09 Nov 2006 01:40:00 GMT