Member Since: 04/11/2006
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Sounds Like: booking shows in da SF bay area for; punk, H/C, power violence, metal, grind, crossover, sludge, doom, d-beat, oi, thrash, crust bands for many years.
bands we've hooked up;
Hirax, Phobia, Rotten Sound(Finland), Dysmorfic (Italy), Population Reduction, Voetsek, Faggot, Funeral Shock, Maggot Colony,Skarp, the Accused, Municipal Waste, Skinned Alive, Insect Warfare, Masacre, World Downfall (Japan), Utter Bastard, the Endless Blockade (Canada), Kylesa, Colesium, Torche, Riistetyt(Finland), Garmonbozia, Second Opinion, Manipulation, Line Up Yr Lies, A.R.M., Ill Repute, Benumb, Lack Of Interest, Impaled, Book Of Black Earth, Insanity, Annihilation Time, Black Goat, Witch Hunt and many more.
Record Label: SELFISH SATAN RECORDINGS and PyratePunx Recordz
Type of Label: Indie