About Me
__ ♥ iM tHE tRUtH wHY wUd i liE? iM nOT [MiSZ jB ] fROM mYSPACE _*iM MeGGy MeGss bItChEs haha ; iM tHE bESt tHiNG tHAt wilL eVAH hAPPEN tO yOU ; sO0 dONt tAKE iT fOR gRANtEd; iF yOU dONT liKE mE i HONEStLY dONT giVE a fCuk; iM 5'3 .iM 21 yrs Oold. mY biRtHDAY iS july 2oth ; LeGal mOtHa fuckAss watCthh 0uTTt ♥ i am finally taken by best boyfriend ever ♥ ;] i liVE iN brIcK nJ .. pRETTY bOring t0WN bUT i dEAl w. itt i sPEND mOSt mY tiME at the beach . clubs . brdwalks* i hAVE tHE bESTFRiENDS eVER [sf. ag. ag. tm. mt. tb. aj] newaisz ii w0rk full time at supercuts in wLb i love my j0b an my gurllss h0llaaa . i come from a respectful family. i got brought up well. i ♥ my family they are the best, wen eveythin is g0in wrong in the tHe wOrlD theyre the pEoPlE yOu CaN AlWaYs TruSt<33 .for people that kno me im very outgoing.. love to make people laugh im a very honest person & i never lie well, lets not say never cuz evryone liEs but u get tha p0intt ; gets u into 2 much shittt ; i honestly hate drama.. i dnt look for it but somehow it comes to me .. * ♥