C'est femme blanche profile picture

C'est femme blanche

Karma's a bitch, but im bitchier....

About Me

What i lack in life i fill it in with laughter......START BZOINK.COM QUIZLET CODE

Who will UR husband be?

Created by relientk4ever and taken 12 times on Bzoink

fav sport soccer basketball lacrosse cheerleading football
fav music rap r&b rock pop alternative
color of the shirt ur wearing right now
you will be married at age 26
your husband will be maroon 5's adam levine
he will love you this much 60%
you will have this many kids 17
you will have this much money $278,971.80

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Myspace Layouts at Pimp-My-Profile.com / Pink Butterfly 2 - Image Hosting

Credits: Background from Yahoo search result

My Interests

I have passion for anything that says french. i feel the need to cook every single day..... i indulge in experimenting with spices from around the world....specifically india.....once i get settled and saved money the first thing id love to do is travel.....i wanna travel.....i dont wanna die a virgin in traveling.... films.....indie films.....i love french indie films....i love speaking in french and i dont really care if im speaking it correctly...parce que, je parle un peu francais....(merci madame garrido) someday i would speak french fluently and actually know what im saying....singing and dancing are two things i love doing by myself....as much as possible i hate crying....because once i do, i go on and on.....but i love crying when im by myself and no one is looking....i love every aspect of laughter....im the gayest of all gays if im gay. im really not gay....but i love the gay community....their painfully honest and honesty is one thing i love in a person...i love organic foods....im a big tofu fan....fry it boil it...i dont care....as long as its tofu....i have a fetish for earings....big small whatever.....i love to run....well....jog for the most part..... i love to sing though im completely out of tune.... i come up with the weirdest most corniest jokes...and i take pride in it... otherwise thered be no reason for laughter.... i paint.....i hardly treat each painting as my own child...no i dont have a child....i dont like children.....maybe someday...so someone can take care of me when my husband leaves me for a younger woman and when i get old, forgetful and wrinkled.....and fatter than usual...do i sound cynical?

I'd like to meet:

God-who made me, Christ-who saved me and YOU who have yet to know me......."http://i11.photobucket.com/albums/a167/myspacepimp er/i64904120_39967.gif" border="0"
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anything that makes my soul sing, my heart beat, and my mind go crazy.......im a sucker for Maroon 5....French songs.... Vanessa Paradis et Edith Piaf:D


Mon la vie est grosse en film. Je suis l'acteur et je suis naturale. J'aime regarde les films foreign:


leno, Law and Order SVU, CI, ER, The office, Will and Grace, Conan...i dont have cable.....


j'aime dis les obtituarres et j'ai compille les pages aux mortes. Vous dissez mon obituarre?


ma mere, mon pere, mon dieu( le premier) et mon jesu

My Blog

To Ma’am With Love

Thank You....for...Everything....and for everything that youve instilled in all of us......we'll never forget you....je taime madame et i will miss you so, mon amie:D
Posted by C'est femme blanche on Sun, 23 Sep 2007 04:25:00 PST

The show is over say good bye!

*sigh* back to reality....people......that's a wrap....huh....this movie isnt for me......ill find a great movie to watch and be in it later again.....for now all i can say is......sigh....... it was ...
Posted by C'est femme blanche on Sun, 01 Jul 2007 08:34:00 PST

Pieces of my heart are missing you...

there are so many things that i have yet to learn in a relationship like how to handle your emotions when the person you love isnt by your side. he loves me. how do i know? i just do. I know call me n...
Posted by C'est femme blanche on Thu, 28 Jun 2007 06:35:00 PST

oh nothing....

hahahah last night i wanted out but he begged me to stay...and im happy.....but not really so fullfilled....im like a glass of milk thats half way full.....not really full.....but it will take time......
Posted by C'est femme blanche on Sun, 24 Jun 2007 04:48:00 PST

simply blind and utterly stubborn

i did it again......i never learn from my mistakes...terrible....just plain terrible...... i need an eraser or most likely another sheet of paper..... on the bright side....at least i have one blog th...
Posted by C'est femme blanche on Sat, 23 Jun 2007 04:57:00 PST

ive been baghosyanated....

i love this song for some weird reason.... PLAIN WHITE T'S LYRICS"Hey There Delilah"Hey there DelilahWhat's it like in New York City?I'm a thousand miles awayBut girl tonight you look so prettyYes you...
Posted by C'est femme blanche on Fri, 22 Jun 2007 07:14:00 PST

and this song goes out to.....

and i dedicate this song to........hahahah gotcha there.....i love the lyrics...... and yeah because of the fact that i think there is something wrong with me....personally...... oh well....its my pro...
Posted by C'est femme blanche on Sat, 09 Jun 2007 08:55:00 PST

something new....

dude....this is weird.....outta all people....i love eating meat......i have this sudden urge to lessen my meat intake....it happened pay-rents and i ate out at simply foods....hmmmmhmmmmm i have to a...
Posted by C'est femme blanche on Wed, 06 Jun 2007 07:06:00 PST

OH HOW I WISH I WAS A............

You act like a guy, staying out till 2-4 in the morning!!!! my dad exclaimed as i ate my sandwich; numb against the will of talking back or explaining my side of the story....for the most part i wish ...
Posted by C'est femme blanche on Sun, 03 Jun 2007 11:21:00 PST

A Change of Heart

ive learned from previous experiences that all men are assholes....and nobody can change that........they were wired as assholes for some purpose i know not of.....but learning this ive changed my way...
Posted by C'est femme blanche on Tue, 29 May 2007 10:17:00 PST