How to be Keighty Honaker: all the rules and regulations
1. Love Nathan Barnett unconditionally. Cook him meals, clean up after him, and make sure he always has clean underwear. Make his lunches for work and make sure he doesn't forget anything or miss any tests.
2. Sleep 6-8 hours every night. Unless there is an important test. no more, no less. you'll feel good, I promise.
3. Don't drink milk because you're lactose intolerant. sneak some every once and awhile just for spite.
4. Go to every class everyday. That's just what has to happen. study for every test like your life depends on it. Keep a binder for every class and keep them organized everyday. type all of your notes and read all of your chapters before class.
5. Dress to impress. You never know who you might meet or what situation you may get in. Dress your age. Dress your personality. Dress your mood.
6. Paint your toenails when you want it to get warm outside. Get your nails done so you won't be able to bite them off. It is a disgusting and horrible habit.
7. Listen to songs that you've loved FOREVER. instead of trying to find new music all of the time.
8. Smile and Laugh as much as possible.
9. Dance daily.
10. Avoid bad things and bad karma. oh, and bad people.
11. Play the wii everyday. Wii fit and Mario kart are the top priorities.
12. Avoid sun exposure of large quantities. Skin cancer is not attractive.
13. Love working at Pac sun. It's so much Pac fun.