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What good is to be if the music is weak?

About Me

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My Interests

to discover the world and to bring myself on the higher level...learning - the whole life is based on learning..there's so many thing i need to see, to find out and we don't stop!! except that; music, sports, dancing and lots of love, fun partying, chilling, understandings and feelings:)

I'd like to meet:



The music is what it is, it's life..first of all,i'm in love with the hip hop music...and also, i enjoy classic music(do not mess with Mr Phillip Glass), soul, funk, a real jazzlover and there're so many directions that i can't define..and even don't want to..i'm gonna love it in the way it is..respect to all artists for doing what they love and giving us the opportunity to see that love...through music..only thing that matters..and one love Frankie:)


The Godfather(the whole triology), Man on fire, Dot the i, Once upon a time in America, Scarface, Chappelle's Block Party,The Producers, Kansas City, Little man Tate, Idlewild ...and many more


Say no to tv


Intimacy by Hanif Kureishi, my favourite (and his other books also) of all times, Ringing cedar series by Vladimir Megre, Lucia Extrebarria's books, Book of disquiet by Fernando Pessoa, Milan Kundera, Lorca, Neruda and ...


no heroes,.. do u know any hero better than yourself?
