Anna-Megan Raley on and Sports Radio 610 profile picture

Anna-Megan Raley on and Sports Radio 610

I often do handstands during the commercial break while John tries to mess me up...thought you shoul

About Me

My name is Anna-Megan! I love football, and I get to gab about it on Sports Radio 610. Check out Also, check out and see McClain's video archive. Holla!!
- Get Your Own
I love my life and most people in it...

My Interests

Sports, talking, acting like a goof, writing..You dig it? ..

I'd like to meet:

Vince Lombardi, Brett Favre, Bill Cowher, Chris Berman, the entire line-up of the Houston Astros, and YOU!.. ..


anything by Apollo XVIII - the breator of those hilarious sports songs, 1977 - the indie'licious, southern rock local band of dudes, and the amazimg songs that I make up in the shower..


Friday Night Lights, Spanlish and last but not least... Anchorman ..


Sports Center..maybe a little CSI


My book about The 1967 Ice Bowl


Chris Berman and potentially John McClain

My Blog

Browns at Texans

This game is pathetic. I'm sitting in the press box, watching what should be evenly played football. The sad thing is...I really am watching an evenly boring game. These teams are playing equally poor...
Posted by Anna-Megan Raley on and Sports Radio 610 on Sun, 31 Dec 2006 11:37:00 PST