Ghost Hunters of Uncommon Leagues, G.H.O.U.L., is a paranormal research society that was founded for the purpose to help find answers to the questions that we may all have about the understanding of the paranormal. The name G.H.O.U.L. was created in 2004. Our actual Paranormal Research Society was formed in July 2007. We are about to embark on new adventures here very soon, and we welcome all who are interested in the paranormal to join us in this quest. We are currently seeking new members who live in or around northeast Alabama for our team of investigators, experienced or not, or just had an unexplained event in your life, we welcome you. Membership is FREE to join as our services are FREE as well. We do not charge for any of our investigations, or any part of our investigation process. We do this to help our clients resolve any issues they may have with the paranormal for there are not many places/avenues to turn to. We also do this to get a better understanding of the paranormal and the science of this field.We proudly accept donations to further our research, thank you for your contributions!