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I am here for Friends

About Me

Wow. It has been quite some time since I have been here. Life is pretty interesting. Live is Evil-Backwards. How funny, lol. I'm a pretty down to earth person. I like listening to people, and watching the expressions on their face change with every word they say, how their tones change with different subjects... I like being able to give people advice. It is what I am good for. LOL but it is probably because I have observed a lot and I have experienced a lot in this world. I wish to be worldly, to be able to comprehend much more than others, only because I truely wish to understand why the world is the way it is. Every person has their own perspective on life. Some say fuck everyone, they mean nothing, while others believe that people make this world a more intersting place. This world is full of CHARACTERS. It's pretty cool to be able to say you've met a lot of the different types. {[some less favorable, of course]} Still alive, still happy. Solitude still resides with me, but I do not complain. It is not the time to have someone, must do more with the time I have before connecting with someone else's soul. Maybe I have already missed out. LOL WHO KNOWS.If you think you might want to get to know me, that's cool. But do not assume that I feel the same way. Just because I sound nice, does not mean that I am nice to everyone. I try, but there are still people, I will not tolerate. SO let us see who you might be. Thanks for taking the time to read this. It means you just might be worth the time and energy. MIGHT. ;p I have had this profile since I started myspace.... wow that's a long time! I have another one with newer stuff on it, just in case you want to really get to know me or catch up with me or whatever.

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Honestly? I would like to meet someone who appreciates everything I do for them. I want to meet someone who thinks about me and my feelings before they act on emotions. I want to meet someone who isn't diluted and sugar-coated by the ever-so-usual face epidemic that has swept through the youth of tomorrow. I would like to meet someone who is real, and won't be a fake ass two-faced bitch. I want to meet someone I can rely and depend on because I truely walk this life alone. I would honestly like to meet a real, true, down to earth, non-corrupt person. But I don't think that is ever going to happen while I live and breathe.... too many people believe this thing called life is a game, so they take everything, and everyone, for granted. Well, looks like I'm just another relic of the past lost in the ever changing world of today.... heh O.o well Lone Ranger Status

My Blog

new year no new tune

The sunset  how sweetthe colors of the rainbowdifferent shades free my spiritflying through the phigmentsmy soulno longer grayedsweet sorrowful sunsetthank you for your timeuntil we meet againFar...
Posted by on Mon, 31 Dec 2007 20:08:00 GMT

My Issue

The one thing that bothers me.I have no control over.My family.   How they hate one another soo much.How much judgement they have for each other.How much resentment. How much the taste of hate ma...
Posted by on Tue, 11 Dec 2007 08:57:00 GMT

Friday Memo

Can I make you see?  See me?  Really look, look into the heart of me.  Does it frighten you, to see nothing, to feel nothing in me?  Could I bring you to your knees?  Would yo...
Posted by on Sat, 01 Dec 2007 13:38:00 GMT

breathe deep

I can't help but feel like a wastethe way you look through meinstead of at meas if I were not reala phigment of your imaginationmy hand feels so cold on your facethe last time I touch youthe last thin...
Posted by on Thu, 01 Nov 2007 08:51:00 GMT

For You

I took our friendship for granted in certain situations complications seem to change usnot friendly neighborsmore lika teacher and a bakerwe got different playing cards we got different games of Heart...
Posted by on Sat, 20 Oct 2007 22:15:00 GMT

a poem by christina and me... lmao

poem by jennifer and christinaI sit & starewitout a carewatching my lifedrift in the airnothing seems clearexcept the growing fearthat my peerswill soon dissapearnever to hearthat once greatful ch...
Posted by on Wed, 27 Dec 2006 07:28:00 GMT

plz do this fo' me!!!!

I've got 21 questions to ask. Sure, they all sound the same, but,they all have there purposes...  : )   1.Your Full Name:--->2. Age:--->3. Favorite Color?--->4. Favorite Movie:--->5. Favorit...
Posted by on Fri, 06 Jan 2006 09:21:00 GMT

Poem I found and fell in love with <3

Have you ever watched kidsOn a merry-go-round?Or listened to the rainSlapping on the ground?Ever followed a butterfly's erratic flight?Or gazed at the sun into the fading night?You better slow down.Do...
Posted by on Tue, 03 Jan 2006 23:52:00 GMT

Just reflecting....

I will, never, in my lifetime, forget 2005.It truely was, the year of change.But now, we are in 2006.Loads of opportunities lay waiting, hidden, submersed.Just barely poking up their heads to be found...
Posted by on Tue, 03 Jan 2006 07:30:00 GMT

Can life this real?

My god.  I never thought about it.My mom opened my mind tonite.She showed me... both of her faces.Her compasonate, caring, loving face,and her fake, conceded, selfish, egotistical, perfectionist ...
Posted by on Wed, 28 Dec 2005 23:57:00 GMT