Missie profile picture


Land of the free.. [because] of the brave

About Me

Well, I'm your basic girlie girl. I like to get my nails done, go shopping, talk for hours, text till I fall asleep, go on dates. I like to be spoiled. I'm used to getting my way. If I don't get it, be prepared for the worst. I'm single, and I kinda like it that way. I'm really not ready to settle down; I just started having some real fun.. But I wouldn't mind dating a cute guy who isn't retarded =)

My Interests

Sleeping, shopping, partying, clubbing, drinking, going out, watching movies, going on dates, kissing, texting, dippin dots, sushi, guys, cuddling, late night conversations, laughing, singing loud

I'd like to meet:

I wanna meet HIM. You know who I'm talking about. That guy who can make me laugh when I don't even want to smile. That guy who can brighten my day with one text message, voicemail, or phone call. That guy who I can spend hours on the phone with, talking about nothing in particular. That guy who is the last person I think about before I go to bed and the first person I think about when I wake up. That guy who will be there for me and keep me real.. HIMView All Friends | View Blog | View Pics | Add Comment


Country, Hip Hop, Some rap, Island Music, Sean Paul, Nelly, Fat Joe, Akon, Tim McGraw, Carrie Underwood, Toby Keith, Missy Elliot, Hawthorne Heights, Juliana Theory, Mae, System of a Down, Backstreet Boys, Nsync, Justin Timberlake, DJ Fellifell, Keith Urban, Huey, Shop Boys, Kapena, PauHana


The Pest, Beauty and the Beast, Jay and Silent Bob strike back, Half Baked, Clerks 2, Surf Ninjas, She's the Man, Coach Carter, Employee of the Month, 50 First Dates, The Simpson's Movie, Wild Hogs, Cruel Intentions, Zoolander, Stomp the Yard, The Rundown, Walking Tall, Benchwarmers, Napoleon Dynamite, Nacho Libre, School of Rock


The Hills, Friends, Aqua Teen Hunger Force, The Simpsons, Family Guy, Real World Sydney, King of Queens, Everybody Loves Raymond, Gilmore Girls, America's Next Top Model, Gay Straight or Taken


The Summons, The Street Lawyer, Jackie


Mom, Dad, Jerri Berri, Gil Boi, Ger Ger, Marie, Geoff, Anna, Angela, Linds, Andy, Alix, Erika

My Blog


..> Why...Do I always fall for the wrong guy?Why...Do I get so attached to someone?Why...Do I still care so much?Why...Can't I just get over him?Why...Do I pretend like there's nothing wrongWhy...D...
Posted by MiSsiE on Fri, 14 Sep 2007 05:20:00 PST


So.. One of my best friends is leaving in less than a month... He's moving to Texas with his sister.. Who by the way, is freakin awesome.. But still.. He can't just leave! Can he?...
Posted by MiSsiE on Sat, 17 Mar 2007 12:30:00 PST


Here are the rules:The writer will create a blog with the "6 weird things/habits about yourself". People who get tagged will have to post a blog of their own telling 6 weird things/habits about themse...
Posted by MiSsiE on Sat, 22 Jul 2006 09:04:00 PST

rOaStiNg MaRsHmaLLoWs...

So.. Me, Alix, Adrienne, Aaron, and Katie went up the canyon to roast marshmallows... It was a fun experience for me.... Adrienne and Alix attempting to start the fire....Alix and I decided to take a ...
Posted by MiSsiE on Wed, 26 Apr 2006 10:56:00 PST

a NiGhT oUt

so last night i went to dinner @ El Matador with Linds and Katie.. then we met up with Andy and had a night out.. it was fun.. check out the pics!katie Linds Andy Linds, Me, Nicole Linds and Kati...
Posted by MiSsiE on Tue, 25 Apr 2006 03:02:00 PST

the night before christmas...

Twas the night before Christmas And all through the house Everybody felt shitty- even the mouse. Mom at the whorehouse and dad smoking grass; Id just settled down for a nice piece of ass. When out o...
Posted by MiSsiE on Wed, 21 Dec 2005 05:43:00 PST

iT's BeGiNniNg To LoOk A LoT LiKe ChRiStMaS

so!! yet another blog.. these are some pics we took at my house.. ya know, to get into the christmas spirit and whatnot.. lol.. cool yard lights.. how pretty!!!us kids.. in order from oldest to younge...
Posted by MiSsiE on Tue, 29 Nov 2005 05:41:00 PST

FiRsT sNoW tHaT sTuCk...

so here are a few pics from when we played in the snow.. it was the first snow of the year that stuck.. YES SIRR!! haha.. there are only four!! cause i got tired of taking my gloves off and putting th...
Posted by MiSsiE on Sun, 27 Nov 2005 10:04:00 PST


here are some pics from thanksgiving.. i LOVE this day.. we get to eat and eat and eat.. YES SIRR!!! me and my sisterdad cutting the turkey.. yum yum!lookie at all the food.. gil cutting the ham.. ewh...
Posted by MiSsiE on Fri, 25 Nov 2005 06:15:00 PST

AnOthEr gReAt SoNg...

dough, the stuff that buys me beer...ray, the guy who sells me beer...me, the girl who drinks the beer...far, a long run to get beer...so, i'll have another beer...la, i'll have another beer...tea, no...
Posted by MiSsiE on Sun, 30 Oct 2005 06:50:00 PST