Bill profile picture


I must be a spelunker, because I finally caved.

About Me

I work at Monday Magazine , but please pardon the horrible website.I DJ at Smiths Pub alternating Friday, Saturday, Friday, Saturday etc. with the fantastic Tim Horner .I make guitar noises with The Papillomas and we sometimes get our act together and play a gig or two.Other gay boys who want to talk about underground tunes should check out Music Is My Boyfriend .You can see some photos from my lens here .And finally, Fred Fredburger sums me up real good in this clip.

My Interests

music, men, meals

I'd like to meet:

All of you, eventually


As of this update, I can't get enough of new (or new-to-me) material from Voxtrot, The Twilight Sad, Maximo Park, Blonde Redhead, Patrick Wolf, Battles, Chet, Jesu, Yoko Ono . . . I love hearing what other sounds others are currently digging, so let's compare playlists. Headphone listeners get bonus points.


Hot Fuzz! Airplane! Jaws! anything by John Waters! Mel Brooks! Alfred Hitchcock! or David Lynch!


Currently reading I Like You by Amy Sedaris. And I laugh and laugh and laugh some more.