I often have to follow my own dust trail just to figure out where the heck I am! My past lives are numerous and varied. I've been a sandwich maker, a corn detasseler, a hog casterator (yes you read that right),a groupie (not THAT kind of groupie!), a parade clown, a nanny, a globe trotting-backpacking-napping on a train world wanderer, an art student then an artist (I've got artwork in several museums in several states), a tribal witness, a cinnimon roll maker, a history resercher-lecturer-interpreter-archealogical helper, a seamstress (like my great-great aunt), a brass engraving goddess, a volunteer (that would take up another whole site!). More recently I am a mom, proud Coast Guard wife that works on her own car, movie extra, cleaning woman and apparently a white hat wearing- progress pushing-wonder woman. And I miss the Northern Lights.
See, aren't they worth missing?
Layout by CoolChaser Background from flickr user