I love the beach,Snorkeling, & Photography, i just put 200 of my pic. on a free site to share with others if you would like to see some of my photography go to www. photobird.com/zoomsnap4him this will open up my albums. click on any pic. to enlarge it ok?? enjoy...& feel free to leave coments,ok Here is a sample..
Just someone that wants to have fun,ya know? just keeping things simple. No reason to complacate things,ya know? life is to short to complacate things,& play games. Games are for school kids,& i think were all beyound that...Live, laugh,love.enjoy today for there may not be a tomorrow. We are only promised today & now... ..
I like a lot of music,but most of all i like the old time Rock & roll,ya know? the 50s & 60sa
I like a good comedy,I like action, & i like si fi
Hummmmmmm,i like the dog whisper,& Dog the bounty Hunter,& si fi....Travel ch. & discovery ch.
Not much of a reader
Hummmmmmm, What is a Heroe????? Hummmmmmm. That can be a debate..Giving i was in Viet Nam i would say a Hero can be someone in the wrong place at the right time..There are many openions on this,& it could go deep so i'll leave it as is,ok? And, i'll leave this Question to you.." What is a Hero ? "