Traveling, Las Vegas, London, Philadelphia, Fashion, Music, MY BESTEST OF FRIENDS!!!! Shopping, And being with my babes and going anywhere I can bring my dog
Paris Hilton( I am not ashamed of that, sadly) and Hugh Heffner, Holly, Bridget and Kendra AND PEREZ HILTON!!!! I LOVE HIM!!
Varies on my mood, Punk, pop, Rock, country... Anything really.....
I love Chick Flicks and dont get to see them as much as I like to any more and indie movies...Really I love movies except anything scary.. then I HATE IT!
Sex and the City, Addiction to reality tv, law and order, CSI and Vh1 Bizarre Foods and Taboo Dancing with the stars and the bachelor
Anything by Jennifer Weiner, Jane Green, Sophie Kinsella, Candance Bushnell, Sara Mlynowski. Umm Harry Potter..