THE REAL D profile picture


Money and Pussy....If God made anything better.....He kep it to himself.....

About Me

First off if I sent you a friend request it was not a hookup request. Second....if you bring drama then fuck off.....There is no need for drama here.....We have enough of our own.....If you are lookin for advice that is one thing but don't come here talkin shit....In do not deal with with it....sooooo then.....I am not the average dude you are gonna come across.....Well I am taken and I am not tryin to hook up. SEEEEEEEEE........Really I am lookin for friends from everywhere. I do have a very diverse selection of friends....(not just the myspace ones) I enjoy meeting people from all walks of life except you racist can move on...I do not let drama happen here. My name is Damon and I have a beautiful 5 year old daughter named Kelcy. You can see my boys on the top of my friends list....those are the ones that I am real tight with and have spent more time with than anyone else...Anywho I am in the Marine Corps so.....yeah not as exciting as the commercials make look....I really am not here to collect profiles....I like friends but....If I add you it is because you are Beautiful, Interesting, Talented, Genuinely interested in getting to know me, or Good For Networking. If your profile has no pics and nothing about you in it then why the fuck would I say you are my friend....Seriously. By the way here is my beautiful angel.....ok here is my other baby......Finally the NEW update.....I am getting ready to back to Iraq.....Finally gettin ready to do round 2 and catch up with some of my brothers.......I am still far behind though....Mad Love out to my brothers who have done done 3 tours or more.....The Most love to those who returned in a box.....God Bless You and Yours.......Dfound this travel layout at HOT :: MyHotCommentsYour results:
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Ahh, You'll love this one! (100 ?'s)
::Full Name::: Damon Levi Moore
::Nicknames::: Demon, Boog, D
::Age::: 27
::Gender::: Male
::Where You Live::: North County, San Diego
::Sexual Orientation::: Straight
::Single/Happy with it::: Nah
::Siblings::: 2 brothers, 1 sister
::Pets::: trouser snake
::Screen name::: The Real D
::Hair Color::: Blonde when I grow it out
::Hair length::: 0
::Eye Color::: Blue
::Height::: 6'0"
::Piercings::: 0
::Tattoos::: 8
::Shoe Size::: 12.5
::Jeans Size::: 38,32
::Make-Up::: Only on sunday
::Dye Your Hair::: what?
::Food::: Italian
::Drink::: Captain and Coke
::Color::: Blue
::Store::: Home Depot
::Movie::: Pulp Fiction
::Kind Of Alcohol::: Spiced Rum (only Captain)
::Ice Cream Flavor::: Rocky Road
::Book::: Gates of Fire _ Stephen Pressfield
::Season::: Summer
::Video Game::: Unreal Tournament
::Smoked a cigarette::: yeah
::Done Any Drugs::: yeah
::Gotton Drunk::: hell fuck yeah
::Gone Skinny Dipping::: ummmmm.......yeah
::Bonged A Beer::: hell yayes
::Had Sex::: only twice
::Kissed Same Sex::: nope
::Done Anything Sexual With Same Sex::: nope
::Eaten Sushi::: mmmmmmm......deliciouso
::Broken A Bone::: too many
::Like Your Handwriting::: yep
::Have Any Bad Habits::: yep...but they're mine....and I love em
::Hate Yourself::: fuck no
::Shy::: nope...used to be
::Tolerant Of Others::: very
::Aggressive Or Passive::: aggressive in some situations, passive in others
::Have A Journal::: no
::Emotionally Strong::: depend on what your talkin, she's my weakness
::Read The News Paper::: no but it lands on my porch every day
::Confident::: yep
::Is There A God::: Yes
::Does He Have A Gender::: "God made man in his own image...." The Bible
::Do Ghosts Exists::: yes
::What About Witches::: yes
::Miracles::: Seen 'em
::What Do You Think About Abortion::: wrong but it's up to the individual to make their own decisions
::Premarital Sex::: Wrong but I love it
::Life On Other Planets::: Most Likely
::Porn::: wanna see my stash
::Cosmetic Surgery::: Breast implants or nose jobs.....nothing major or you start lookin like the plastic you are made of
Label: CAN YOU
::Sing Well::: kinda
::Play An Instrument::: used to play sax
::Write Well::: very
::Skateboard::: not a chance
::Take A Shot Without A Chaser::: all the time
::Say the Alphabet Backwards::: fuck no
::Snow Board::: never tried
::Juggle::: only chicks
::Do A Split::: nope
::Draw::: contruction plans only
::Plan On Marriage::: been there done that....
:: Kids::: Beautiful daughter
::And Their Names::: Kelcy J.
::Occupation::: Marine for now used to do commercial electrical
::Where You Want To Live::: So Cal
::Big Or Small House:::'s the people in it that make it enjoyable bein there
::Do You Want To Live Near People::: yes
::Long Driveway Or Short::: long
::Income::: enough to live comfortably
::Cars::: Full size truck
::Wal-mart/Target::: walmart
::Chocolate/Vanilla::: chocolate
::Night/Day::: day
::McDonalds/Burger King::: Mickie D's
::Cats/Dogs::: Dog
::Fruits/Veggies::: both please
::Pillows/Blankets::: blanket
::Pepsi/Coke::: Coke
::Alcohol/Weed::: Alcohol
::Reading/Writing::: writing
::Biggest Fear::: Losing my daughter
::Compliment You Get Often::: God you have a big dick.....haha
::What Would You Change About Yourself::: how gullible i can be
::Regrets::: my dui
::Gotten Arrested::: too many times
::Are You Ticklish::: only my feet
::Longest Relationship::: 3 years
::Regrets::: too many to list
::How Much TV Do You Watch::: very little
::What color Is Your Room::: depends on who's in it but usually a black meen the walls...white

My Interests

How to list what I am interested in...hmm... ok I like motorcycles(crotchrockets) I have a 2005 Kawasaki Ninja ZX10R. I love cooking, anything from tradional cracker food to soul food and Italian. I love working out, it is just something that comes naturally. I also really enjoy throwing a party together with all my boys and a few girls who have proven themselves to be stable. I am 100 percent anti drama so I try to avoid hangin with people who naturally generate bullshit. I also love music and I can almost always be caught listening to something that is not top40.

I'd like to meet:

Anti dramatic people who are just out to have fun and make the most of life in every aspect....I do not dig haters too much....sorry....I have been through too much drama in my life to deal with people who harvest that shit.....I got better things goin than that...So if you got positive things goin on in your life hit me up....or even if you just need something positive goin on.....D


Almost all. Rap, R&B, rock, reggae, some country, jazz, slow jams,I am more of a laid back person who enjoys a good time and not so much the drama so I think My taste in music reflects my personality..... width="425" height="350" ..


Mobster movies are some of my fav, like the Godfather, Casino, Goodfellas, Last Man Standing. But Most of the time I like to watch comedies. Movies like Blackhawk Down stress me out. I used to like war movies but somethings change.


Sopranos, Everybody loves Raymond, Family Guy, That 70's Show, ComicView, Top Chef, Emeril, Sam the Cooking Guy, ...I am more of a movie person......Jackass 2, Borat, Knocked up, Pulp Fiction, Snatch....God there are too many good movies to you want to read the fuckin list anyway....ooops that is the movies in the television part....Damnit....


Well, I used to read a lot but now my time is kinda restricted....I still read though...most of it is about political history and psychology books...I like getting inside peoples heads and learning about why they act the way they do...


I have no real heroes, just people I admire...

My Blog

January 7, 2007....The best damn day in years.....

Emancipate yourself from mental slavery......None but ourselves can free our minds.......The Man
Posted by THE REAL D on Thu, 17 Jan 2008 07:31:00 PST

Fuckin Rant.....

Why in our lives do we rush through the days and weeks constantly looking to the future where will have more money and be in better physical condition and meet that perfect someone??? Why are we so m...
Posted by THE REAL D on Mon, 15 Oct 2007 05:45:00 PST

PIcs Of my post surgery ankle

Posted by THE REAL D on Wed, 14 Mar 2007 11:25:00 PST


This is our new little boy.......His name is Buddy and he weighs 2 pounds......Buddy was born on Sept. 10th......And of course he is taking pictures with my Kelcy.....D...
Posted by THE REAL D on Sun, 17 Dec 2006 10:18:00 PST


Ok her is the Damn cutest girl in the whole world and she is mine:)...
Posted by THE REAL D on Sat, 25 Feb 2006 09:07:00 PST

Hott like a mamjama

Posted by THE REAL D on Tue, 14 Feb 2006 09:51:00 PST