♥~Luv 2 L!ve, 2 Luv S()m3 1~♥ profile picture

♥~Luv 2 L!ve, 2 Luv S()m3 1~♥

I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.รข

About Me

Myspace Graphics, Glitter Graphics, Layouts..START BZOINK.COM SURVEY CODE
Everything Anyone Ever Wanted To Know About You
The Basic Stuff
Name?: Diana
Age?: 21 for the 2nd time!!
Height?: About 5'6"
Weight?: ...127lb and growing!
Birthday?: June 29th
Birthplace?: Bogota, Colombia
Current Location?: Ft. Lauderdale, Florida
School/Grade?: ...Soon!! Aviation School!
Zodiac Sign?: Cancer
Chinese Zodiac Sign?: Rat
Righty or Lefty?: Right
Haircolor?: Dark Brown
Eyecolor?: Brown
Skin Color?: ..Hmmnn..Not tan, but not white!
About You
What's Your Family Situation (Parents, Siblings, etc)?: 1 Brother
Any Pets?: None
If So What Are They?: N/A
Favorite Relative?: My Uncle Fernando!...Such an Inspiration!
Least Favorite Relative?: ..(YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE!!
What's Your Heritage/Race?: Latina/Hispanic/Portuguese
Political Affilation?: Democrat
Love & Sex
Sexuality?: ...Lots of it!!
Are You In A Relationship Now?: Yes! ...and very happy!!
If So, With Whom?: My Baby Louie!!
For How Long?: Very Long Time!!
Are You In Love?: Yes I am!!
Do You Have A Crush On Anyone?: Yes, Angelina Jolie and David Beckham!
Ever Had A Crush On Someone Of The Same Sex?: Hell yeah! I'm BI!!
How Old Were You When You Had Your First Kiss?: 9 years old
Virgin?: NOPE!!...at this age who is?
If Not, How Old Were You When You Had Sex For The First Time?: 18!!
Was It Enjoyable?: Oh yeah!!
What's The Farthest You've Ever Gone?: Very Far!! (Let's leave that to your imagination!!)
Where Do You Most Like To Be Kissed?: In my lower back!
Best Love Quote?: ~L()ve 2 L!ve 2 L()ve Some 1~
Your Friends
Best?: Alan, Anny, Carolyn, Chris, Diana, Felicia, Jairo, Juan, Kerry, Malano, Marcela, Nidia
How Many Do You Have?: 10 Closest Friends
More Guys Or Girls?: About the same but Guys..are most trust worthy!
Love Them All?: Very much!
Any You Wish You Were Closer To?: Marcela:she lives too far away & Jairo: I barely see him now...
Oldest?: Jairo, Juan & Marcela
Newest?: Anny, Felicia & Kerry
Pen Pal?: Anny & Felicia
Friends And Words: Associate Them
Pen: Anny
Flower: Carolyn
Pink: Felicia
Window: Chris
Heart: Marcela
Mother: Diana
Bread: Nidia
Insane: Jairo
Sunglasses: Kerry
Pimp: Juan
Cross: Alan
Lonely: Javier
Car: Juan
Music: Malano
This Or That
Boxers or Briefs?: Any
Thongs or G-Strings?: G's
Shorts or Pants?: Pants
Shoes or Barefeet?: Shoes
Books or Movies?: Both
Night or Day?: Day
Dark or Light?: Light
Mountains or Beach?: Beach
Snow or Sun?: Sun
Pepsi or Coke?: Coke..lots of it! I'm Addicted to Coca Cola!!
Guys or Girls?: Both
Swim or Surf?: Surf
For or Against
Gay Marriage?: Support!!
Abortion?: Against it!
Bush Getting Re-elected?: ...Hell M&^%$! NO!!!
Suicide?: Against it!
War?: Against it!
Pants?: Love em'!!
Clothes In General?: Ohh Yeah!!
Penises?: LOL!! Y not?
Color?: Black/White
Number?: 7
Holiday?: X-mas!!
Season?: Summer
Movie?: Armageddon
Book?: "Everything You Know Is Wrong The Disinformation Guide to Secrets and Lies"
Magazine?: "TIME" or "Popular Science"
Food?: Italian & Colombian
Drink?: Buccannan's
TV Show?: The Simpsons
Song?: "Killing Me Softly" By the Fugees
Band?: Fugees
Computer Game?: The Sims
Video Game?: Mario Bros.
Anime/Manga?: Dragon Ball Z...Caballeros del Zodiaco!!
Shirt?: Playboy
Pants?: Abercrombie & Fitch
Actor?: Bruce Willis
Actress?: Angelina Jolie
Singer?: Christina Aguilera & Shakira
Flower?: Sun Flower
Scent?: Tropical...Kinda citrus fruty!
Animal?: Cheetah
Cookie?: Royal Dansk Danish Butter Cookies
The Future
Want To Go To College?: Yes, Aviation School!!
What Do You Want To Be When You Grow Up?: An Astronaut
Want To Get Married?: Of Course!!
Want To Have Kids?: Many...
What Would Their Names Be?: Sebastian, Jazmine, Nicholas, Kyla
How Many?: 10-20!!
Where Do You Want To Live?: San Diego, California.
Where Do You Want To Get Married?: Hawaii
How Do You Want To Die?: ????I dont wanna die... who does?
More Stuff About You
Piercings?: My tongue!!
Tattoos?: None yet!
Smoke?: NOPE!
Drink?: NOPE!
Do Drugs?: NEVER!
Skinny Dip?: Yeahh Baby!!!
Greatest Fear?: ...Be alone in the woods...
Chocolate or Vanilla?: Chocolate
Go To Church?: Not Really... :^(
Religion?: Raised A Catholic but disagree in many factors of the religion, so...No Comment
Scars?: A couple...
CDs Owned?: Many...mostly downloaded!
Collections?: Playboy Stuff and NASA mission patches!
Like To Be Naked?: Very Much!!
Ever Eaten Sushi?: yeah but I hated it!...EEWWW!!!
An Entire Case Of Oreos?: Hell yeah...about 15 O's
Been On Stage?: Yeah!!
Danced In The Rain?: Nope..
Kissed Someone Of The Same Sex?: Yes... :^)
Weirdest Dream?: Dating Ludacris!!...Wet Dreamzzz!! LOL!!
Best Dream?: Became a Playmate!!...a bunch of Blondies and only me: The Brunette!! That was HOT!!
Saddest Dream?: Seeing my Grandma Alive Again!
Dream You Most Wish Would Come True?: ...Being Rich!
Think You're Attractive?: ...Kinda...Maybe...What chu Think?
Shoplifted?: NEVER!!
Been Caught "Doing Something"?: Hell yeah... lots of things!! LOL!!
Weirdest Makeout Place?: Behind The Bushes...
Like Thunderstorms?: Yeah!!
Favorite Shoes?: Colin Stuart Black & Clear Heels!!
Favorite Quote?: "I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination"
Best Advice Given?: "Dont move in with your ex-girlfriend in New York!!
Worst Advice Given?: ...Smoke Mary to take pain away!
Favorite Song Lyric?: "I Dont Wanna Miss A Thing" By: Aerosmith
What Quote Says Most About Your Life?: "It is in your moments of decision that your destiny is shaped"
Glad This Is Over?: *Hell yeah!!*
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Bzoink - The Original Survey Site ..END BZOINK.COM SURVEY CODE"I'm 22 years old! My closest friends and relatives consider me to be very unique, ambitious, inspiring, sweet, intellectual, exotic, kind, open-minded and sometimes goofy! I have an enourmous aspiration towards everything that has to do with Space Exploration, Science, Mathematics, The Military, Politics, Mythology, Theology, Astronomy, Modeling, and Aviation. Over the 22 years of existence I have experience a whole variety of circumstances that have challenged me to accomplish what I really want...to become an Astronaut! My second alternative will be at least to work for NASA, The Pentagon or the CIA! At this current time I see myself with a big opportunity to succeed in the Modeling field; although it is very competitive I have been offered several contracts with big companies and thanks to God I graduated from Modeling School with a scholarship! My next step is to get into College, study really hard and give it all I have to be able to accomplish all my goals and make my family proud! I have the support of a real big fan of mine...my DAD! I came to Florida about 11 years ago from Bogota, Colombia. My other half is from Rio De Janeiro and Manaos, Brazil!! I miss my country very much in which I desire to visit very soon! The top 8 are considered my Closest Friends! I have mad love for each and every one of them for specific reasons! They have helped me develop who I am, with all they have donated to me: generosity, kindness, a smile to my face, being there 4 me when I need them and most important of all TRUST! As far as my profile goes for those of you that wonder and could never tell...YES I love BOTH WORLDS! I know 98 percent of my friends and/or relatives have the curiosity to know who I really am!...Well: THERE YOU HAVE IT! What else..?...I'm Bi and Proud! I currently live in Ft. Lauderdale with my Baby Boy Louie(boyfriend),2 other friends & their baby girl Valentina!(Mi Pollito!) and "Chiki" the most beautiful Doggy! I love to party, go clubbin, go to the beach and just chill at the movies, go to museums, amusement parks etc..etc...anything that's fun and not with the wrong crowd! I can't drink and I don't smoke (NE-THANG!!)at all so I could say that is boring cuz' most of the peeps I know are into all that, but is great being me!! :^P Also, I leave the best 4 last: I have been in a relationship with my boyfriend for about (Long Time), I deeply care and love my Baby Boy Louie! He has helped me so much in all I've gone thru and has support me emotionally and mentally since before we hooked up!I L()V3 Y()U BABY!"
Hosted by HitupMyspace.com ...IN MY TONGUE!! LOL!

My Interests

************************* ************************* *****MY FUTURE TATTOO**** ************************* *************************

I'd like to meet:

I would like to meet John Glenn (Astronaut) because of all the contribution that he has given to the Space Program. And Angelina Jolie for having the biggest Humanitarian heart of the United Nations! These two individuals have placed an enourmous difference in humanity! they are considered also my IDOLS! I would also like to meet my favorite Brazilian Super Model: Adriana Lima!


I love all types of musik! Except Country and Heavy Metal! My Top Favorites are: Salsa, Hip-Hop (Old School), Classical & Techno!


I like ACTION, SCARY, COMEDY, AND SCIENCE FICTION movies. But I have to admit that the one and only movie that I've watched over 22 times and cried (in every time I watch it) is ARMAGEDDON! Is mostly an inspiration in who I want to become, an ASTRONAUT! My 2nd favorite:Romeo & Juliet.


I don't watch too much Television, but my favorite shows are: The Sipmsons, That 70's Show, The Girls Next Door and I love to stay tuned to the Food Network Channel... I love cooking!


I like ASTRONOMY, PHYSICS' or SCIENCE RELATED. My favorites are "Everything You Know Is Wrong The Disinformation Guide to Secrets and Lies" Edited by Russ Kick & Published by Disinformation Books, and "Secret Societies Handbook" by Michael Bradley.


Animated Heroes: Batman; Peace Heroes: Princess Diana; Pope John Paul II. Others:First American to orbit in space: Astronaut John Glenn,Albert Einstein & Galileo Galilei, Wilbur and Orville Wright, El Che Guevara, Bill Gates,& Pele.**MY FUTURE BABIES** **HONDA PRELUDE** **INFINITY G35**

My Blog


"Desilucion" By: Diana R. Parece ser que en la altura de tus pesares, mantienes calma como los mares Inquieto es el torbellino de tus iluciones, y tus ideales suenan perfectos,aun mas cuando en tus oj...
Posted by ~*Luv 2 L!ve, 2 Luv S()m3 1*~ on Mon, 08 Jan 2007 11:08:00 PST

"This is the only way I can express myself with no judgement"

"This is the only way I can express myself with no judgement"By:  Diana R I wish i could forget about the bad times, but to me is like whateva... I dont want to go on with the same mistake every ...
Posted by ~*Luv 2 L!ve, 2 Luv S()m3 1*~ on Mon, 08 Jan 2007 11:00:00 PST