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Born on April 4th in the year of 1985 in St. Johns hospital in YONKERS...grew up fatherless, just mommy was there for me. I shouldn’t just say she was the only one who supported me, I WOULD BE LYING. My grandpops was like my father figure, he was the light in my life that BRIGHTENED MY DAYS as a toddler a kid then a youth. He passed away when I was 18 and LIFE TURNED OUT TO BE A BITCH. His death played a big part of who I am now and the MAN I am now! I always wrote what I felt down on paper, but I took it litely, it was just words that I thought would make me feel better..Shit I HATED RAP MUSIC in my early pre-teenage years. I didn’t see any point in it what so ever! From the age of 12, I always listened to HIP HOP and other types of music, LOL I’m not gonna get into that! As I was saying, it wasn’t until I reached high school, when I decided to actually start RAPPING...I was like 14 and DAMN, some of the stuff I was rhyming did not make any sense, but I watched and observed LISTENED AND LEARNED from some older heads who were doing the rap thing..I took note and SAID AIGHT YO...let me try battling this kid..HE THINKS HE NICE LOL..So in the hallways in between classes and in the cafeteria during my lunch, I would join little rap battles and start spitting and PEOPLE AROUND ME WOULD BE LIKE "yo lil homie got skills"...YES BELIEVE I DID! Everything that came out my mouth really came from off top, it was all made up without any words being written..NOW MY FREESTYLE IS SICK LOL. So yea I always kept a notebook and something to write with through my high school years..WHEN I SAY A NOTEBOOK AND SOMETHING TO WRITE WITH, I MEAN LIKE FOR MY MUSIC..never mind SCHOOL WORK..I was focused as fuck for sure I was, a nigga was a teachers pet..GOOD GRADES writing raps in class...Not saying it was a BREEZE through high school, because it wasn’t. In my final year, the 12th grade, I lost my grandfather (R.I.P GEORGE) January 24 of 2003, that was 5 months before I graduated..It was difficult, it wasn’t easy having his death on the back of my mind while I’m trying to get out of school..BUT I MADE IT THROUGH PUSHING AND SHOVING STRUGGLING, by making up all the unfinished work that I just couldn’t do because the STATE OF MIND I was in! After I got my local diploma, I didn’t know where to go from there. I did know IT WAS THE REAL WORLD and I did have to GROW. The person I wanted to be was inexpressible FOR REAL. I wanted to be a RAPPER, then I thought about college to become a police officer, but I knew deep inside, that MY MUSIC was some how and some point in life, GONNA TAKE ME A LONG WAY! I couldn’t redeploy.. It was my only MEDICATION through PAIN, in writing I found pleasure... So I kept pursuing that dream and avoided what bullshit anybody had to tell me. I KNEW WHAT I HAD AND I KNEW WHAT I HAVE IS JUST A GIFT, A TALENT in which God gave me, so I cultivated it through writing and joining rap battles, open mics and shows...Mommy kicked me out the house a few times because she thought I was a LOW-LIFE and had nothing to live for..the only thing I was GOOD FOR WAS SPEAKING MY MIND! Besides, my mom hated rap music, so she had all she can take...Yo there was days I would be home recording my shit, it would be dumb loud, so I guess she and stupid neighbors found me to be a DISTURBANCE. I was distressed, I mean extremely, just from the way the whole household was after graduating from high school...It was BROKEN, but still a family I guess...MY TWIN BROTHER would just keep locked in his room doing his own thing, going through his own pain..IT WAS JUST THE 3 of us..The only family I had in my life was my bro and my mother...cousins were no where to be found! I was like something gotta give, I’m GONNA DO ME, NOTHING PROHIBITED ME FROM REACHING MY DESTINY. After being home with mom until 20, I was kicked out of her home for good..and eversince then, I’ve been grinding, working a sweat through ALL MY BLOOD and each TEAR TO FALL-They say everything happens for a reason and it does..I may not see the reason why I felt like all my life I’ve been pushed away by many..YOUR DAMN STRAIGHT I’m a powerful man with such a HEART, I really don’t think YOU can find in any other RAPPER or EMCEE..I’m a rapper that’s hurt...some RAPPERS don’t speak truth and they rather just give you, WHAT YOU WANNA HEAR! I’m not like that and I’ll never be...ENOUGH SAID let me stop MOANING AND BITCHING...listen to my music, feel it and relate aight! P.S I’m only doing this shit for my grandfather, HE WAS MY ALL..I’m not doing this shit for no bitch, no girl..LIFE IS A COLD BITCH and I’m saying this to the WHOLE WORLD...Puff a cig to my shit, smoke something to it, JUST KNOW IT’S REAL, I have no reason to LIE TO YA..RECOGNIZE I CAME FROM THE REAL-SCORPION better known as SCO 1 love!
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