Viktim Clothing® profile picture

Viktim Clothing®

About Me

Viktim Clothing ® is a Los Angeles based alternative apparel company. We know that in todays day and age, that anyone can be a viktim. We have all been viktims of some sort in our lives. Most designs are dark and demented. We let you express what type of viktim you are, or what type of viktim you have interest in.
Clothing designs range from serial killers and famous murders to fashion viktims and customized designs.
New designs and site will be up soon. If you have interest in possibly modeling some of Viktim Clothing apparel, Please send us a message with your myspace URL.

"Be A Viktim®."
Help Promote Viktim Clothing:
Copy and Paste the code below on your website or Myspace!
Copy and Paste the code below on your website or Myspace!
"Brands for the demented"
Killer Links:
Viktim Clothing® is proud to announce:
Viktim Calendar Girls 2008 & 2009:
We are currently accepting submissions for Viktim Calendar Girls. We will be choosing 24 Viktims.
You will be asked to host various events, that Viktim Clothing will sponsor or be part of. You will get to meet and greet your fans, and sign calendars.
Viktim Calendar Girls Project:

Company: Nokturnal Chamber
Brand or Line: Viktim Clothing
Project: Viktim Calendar Girls (Calendar Shoot)
Location of the shoot: Los Angeles, CA.
Photographer: TBD
Date/Time: TBD (to be determined)
Style/Theme: TBD
Makeup/Stylist Involved: TBD (to be determined) notes :( models will be asked to do their own makeup and hair, or bring their own MUA artist, unless given prior notice of MUA and Hair Stylist on set.)
Wardrobe: All models are asked to bring their own wardrobe. Note: (Once you have determined your interest in this project. Please contact Devin of Viktim Clothing at the contact info below, to discuss in further detail.
COMPENSATION: TFP/TFCD Free Advertisement (contact for further details)
CONTACTING VIKTIM CLOTHING: (PLEASE put Viktim Calendar Girls Shoot in the subject line of your emails, or it will be deleted and not read.)
Email: [email protected]
Phone: (310)569-1064
MYSPACE: My personal page:
Viktim Clothing Myspace:
Model Mayhem Page: #447827
- Rayne - Mayhem #409005 Model – Viktim Calendar Girls Shoot 12/02/07 Scene :( Death by cupcake – Birthday Scene)
I am looking forward to hearing from you. Please feel free to send me any questions that you may have. I will have Model Release forms available at the time of shoot. If you would like to see release forms prior. Please let me know and I will gladly send you a copy.
Devin Devoor

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Viktim Clothing ® is currently looking to sponsor Bands, Musicians, Artist, Models, Professional Freaks, Magicians, Comedians and more. If you are interested, please send us a message with your myspace URL.


Models: If you have interest in possibly modeling some of Viktim Clothing apparel, Please send us a message with your myspace URL.

Thanks in advance for your interest in being a viktim.


My Blog

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