Hi and welcome to my myspace page, My name is Michael, I don't tend to run on alot of sleep(if you know me you know this to be an understatement lol), I usualy find myself singing,watching anime(I have a blog if your intrested in my collection)though I do have lots of series yet to discover and I would love to cosplay one day(I dont know which charter suits me best im still searching),Im interested in learning to play tennis, I also tend to act on impulse or prior knowelge when it comes to helping my friends and my quote is as closest I could come up with to suit my personality, I love going to the mall when its crowded or being around alot of people in genaral or a group of my friends, I love to hug people that allow it, it can release stress and it feels good too because it puts me at ease on dificult days, My music taste is a mix of indie and popular songs or songs that I happen to like, I do have a special place in my heart for J-pop, im a gamer and I own a wii(wii number and number for ssbb is posted as my top blog I belive), a ds(I dont know my friend code so dont ask for it please), and a ps2 that I bought to play Okami, and ive wanted one since I was about 10 lol, ive always wanted to travel the world starting with japan because I like the coulture and anime of course lol, Im in college at the moment working on a cirtificite program for biotechnology, I dont think I will ever sound my age(its kinda high), Id love to learn to para para it looks like fun, Im also intrested in learning a martial art style known as aikido(it cosist of grapling and jabs, it focuses on defending oneself with out causing permanent damage to the attacker), If you want to know more just ask me :)Layout made by cuppycake16
The Monica Rial Myspace Fangroup
(the pic of me is out dated, myspace wont let me upload a current pic) Please read "If your seeing my page for the first time and are not one of my friends, I will not accept your profile as long as it has links that are sexual or contain nudity of any kind, It may not be you" thank you very much.