TONY MACHISMO profile picture


A Weapon of Mass Seduction

About Me

I often wish that I could fight bulls with my bare hands, ride a horse while swinging a sword, look good in a full beard, fight ten well armed men and not be hurt, always have the setting sun behind me, drink hard liquor straight from the bottle, be the quickest draw, strike fear and panic into people a few choice words, motivate large groups of people with a spontaneous speech, talk to my car, play flamenco music well, swing bar doors open in a manner that would make the piano player stop, save gorgeous woman from pirates, swing on a rope from one ship to another, swing on a vine, talk to animals, feel secure in even the most flamboyent outfit, etc.


My Interests



yes I do.


Not the notebook, Life is Beautiful, Metropolis, Snatch, Momento, Rambo I and II, Rocky I and III and IV, The Green Mile, Coming to America, Lord of the Rings I II and III, Brave Heart, Toy Story I and II, Alandin, Lion King, Nightmare Before Chirstmas, Big Fish, Finding Neverland, Garden State, Interal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, Kiss Kiss Bang Bang


Reality anything


Catch 22, East of Eden, I am Legend, Grapes of wrath, captain blood, welcome to the monkey house, slaughter house five, fahrenheit 451, MAO,

My Blog


..> Current mood: angry Category: angry Religion and Philosophy 1'1 OHH Chuck Norris. For those of you that don't know, it is a crime to worship an idol that takes away from the greatness and glorif...
Posted by TONY MACHISMO on Fri, 16 Mar 2007 01:55:00 PST

The Journey Of Natty Gann

The Journey of Natty Gann (a must of any american) The Hallmark channel describes this movie as "A courageous young girl, a young drifter and an untamed wolf find themselves together by circumstances ...
Posted by TONY MACHISMO on Sun, 18 Feb 2007 06:28:00 PST

So today

So today I was listening to hot 97 better know as 97.1FM and they were interviewing Jay-Z. I listened for about 10minutes before I got out of the car. When I got back in the car Jay-Z was still doing ...
Posted by TONY MACHISMO on Thu, 22 Dec 2005 04:20:00 PST


Recently while drinking a Lemon Iced Tea Snapple, I was given an interesting bit of information. Q is the only letter in the English language not included in any of the names of our great states. My i...
Posted by TONY MACHISMO on Mon, 31 Oct 2005 10:41:00 PST

GOD ahhhhh

So today while doing nothing at job (yet again) I stopped in at a natural food market that is held every Wednesday in White Plains NY. Unlike most of my trips to the market today was a bit different, ...
Posted by TONY MACHISMO on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

Tony 's life Tip 1

I have decided that since people are always asking me for advice on various things, I would start posting some of my life lessons here on the old myspace. I will also blog these tips for any one that ...
Posted by TONY MACHISMO on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST