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Any one who is willing to buy me Anal Cunt's album "It Just Gets Worse"
Anal Cunt, The Briggs, GG Allin, Leftover Crack, Choking Victim, Against All Authority, The Queers, The Ruffianz, The Antics, The 3tards, PantyChrist, Total Chaos, The Unseen, The Exploited, Social Distortion, The Virus, Caustic Christ, Chaotic Alliance, The Misfits, A Global Threat, Dayglo Abortions, D.R.I, Beerzone, 9 shocks terror...
Dezzy, I love you;
Destroy the Beauty says:
i have an apple
Destroy the Beauty says:
the so
Destroy the Beauty says:
no more waltzing matilda says:
no more waltzing matilda says:
the so
no more waltzing matilda says:
you're like 2
no more waltzing matilda says:
i love it
Stcy. [S-Unit] says:
Conor plays with Barbies still..
Conor says:
yeah, real hot girls named barbie
Stcy. [S-Unit] says:
that are blow up.
Conor says:
oh they blow alright
Stcy. [S-Unit] says:
to bad yer gay eh
Conor says:
shutup im not gay
Conor says:
youre gay as a sunset
Stcy. [S-Unit] says:
that you watch and make out with yer boyfriend under.
Conor says:
dont drag your fantasies into this
Stcy. [S-Unit] says:
you mean yer wetdreams..
Conor says:
you suck
Conor says:
you win this round