sometimes you should smile like you mean it.the number twenty virtually means nothing except it's ten plus ten. age are numbers -- added on and on and on till the day you die. at twenty, i still have the maturity of a six-year-old. i don't like numbers.i'm not capable of making my words all pretty and flowery like others can. this clearly means i am straightforward. sometimes it's good, sometimes it's bad but the most important thing is, it's me.i view the world through the viewfinder of my camera and capture it with a click of the shutter. technology is amazing.disjointed thoughts and ideas and words are common. occasionally mean. most of the time sarcastic. usually very, very angry. sometimes -- only sometimes -- content. amateur photographer. aspiring filmmaker. fiction writer. hopeless romantic. deep lover. film enthusiast. bibliophile. food lover. pretty boys. pretty girls. calm rivers and noisy roars of the sea. clouds and skies and a shy boy's wonderful smiles.and if you haven't noticed, this is the same profile content as my livejournal.