hNz luv 4 eve profile picture

hNz luv 4 eve

I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships, Friends and Networking

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Layout made by myhandyourheartx

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im not pretty..yg only bim wit one guy..those people said.. i should realize dat im a gr8 guld..shuld dump him.jgn lbey jgn ckp,korg ckp snang.take the big risk..bkn x kcu life korg,korg shuld ignore life x mo nnt 1 day aq jd life wrecker up 2 u la kan..if spe yg trase d hati 2 i noe dear,the way he's treat me, is likely the contrary.he's crackd,im crackd..lantak la..then dun said.easy 2 say.hard 2 make it reel,tp aq mmg refrain if org kcu life aq dgn kegedikannye yg mcm the doble fukker!!!aq raseloh,bdak 2 dh mmg gread folly wit sm1 yg aq cygloh katakan..oops..she shuld realize yg lifenye,xas wish.then pg kcu life org wat pe?aq bg kiss-ass bru tau!!but infrnt of me,mmg mcm mke mcm innocent gle..then blh lg nk nafikan yg she dindt do anything huh!!saba je ak..simple matter,if ko dh gatal sgt,x bleh hdup tnpa tnpa make other people in trouble ,making cracked.ko x tau life org,if appy mcm mane pon..sbb kau,org 2 jd x appy lgsg...ko leh dtg jmpr aq..yg ko nkkan die sgt,can live without him,ok,yg si lelaki pn dh said,he can loves u ever after, xpe bg je tau aq bleh brlah..evt ak dh be wit him lame pn..ix mau jd cpl wrecker utk tau,guy cpt brubah..if mare cam ne pn,die akn lwan blek..never ask 4 our advises..thn when we