hello, sweet demise profile picture

hello, sweet demise

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

and the freakshow parade marches on

If this is just another charade, like u pretending 2b interested then this is sufficient information for you to backstab & laugh at me. if you really think you care then you'll get to know me cuz trying to explain myself with a bunch of words obviously is NOT enough.
- i'm marian... - this girl is from the middle of fucking nowhere, which evry1 may think is a cool&hip place 2b, but it never was & probably never will be.
- i'm a FREAK & a loser
...and i embrace my weirdness. as well as my jedi destiny.
- i think i may be schizophrenic, slightly psychotic. i KNOW i'm (sometimes) paranoid & can be passive-aggressive - - don't worry they make me take my medication...lol
- i looooooooooove music: punk, EMO, garage rock, reggae, indie, ska, alternative... even selected pop songs. ('m only human & we ARE flawed). see me obsess about bands. can't live without a song to hum/sing & a surface to tap my fingers on when i'm bored...shit what can i say? i ♥ love ♥ music.
- i'm obsessive-compulsive focused
- i'm dysfunctional with a dash of hyperactive.
- I care about *Mother Earth*...an environmentalist, a GrEenPeace SolarGeneration volunteer. Global warming ushers in some scary scenarios, people. climate activists rock! also an ocean defender & bona fide tree hugger. give the planet some love.
- i'm nice to animals. peta2 supporters? u've got a live one here.
- i need to up my dosage at Christmas & family reunions
- mOst oF d tiMe i'm pOsiTive. part-time happy child. i laugh easily, smile at strangers (lol), LMAO when there's no reason to and grin/giggle when I'm lost, uneasy or confused (that last one happens a lot).
- i like my happy delusions, get off my case.
- wHen depressed, pisseD or frustrated i tEnd 2 b quiet, dArk, sArcastic & very bitChy moody. We can't all be Barney. Happy all the time & shit... I swear, that dinosaur is on drugs!!
- and no, i do NOT like to talk about my problems. i will rant about my feelings though.
- i tend 2b glass half empty (mostly in the mornings & after lunch but i'm FAR FROM STUPID. kinda nerdy, but way too superior to care - effin! lmao j/k
- just dazed & confused by all the drama
- perfectionist nerd who slacks more than studies
- i wish i were 16 again. young @ heart & possibly destined for a tragic ending. (sigh) let's stay young, avoid disillusionment & not be jaded.
- a DEEPLY DISTURBED, slightly frustrated person looking for answers (and not just for anatomy & physics tests)in this pieced-together film reel of emotions, comedies, triumphs, mistakes & tragedies.
- i ♥ starry nights & lazy sunny days
- wannabe poet?? i write stuff. words are my graffiti.
- taLkaTiVe & hELL nOisY
- a pErsOn of ContradictionS.. potentially hostile rebel intriGueD by anarchY, but who stiLL bELieves in dEmOcraCy & giving peace a chance. happy empathetic soul in a melancholic, bullet proof shell dripping with apathy. optimist with a dreary doomsday point of view.
- I think there r good & dark things in every person, soMe PeoPle r jUst mOre uPfroNt abOut it. i dislike hypocrites.
- reincarnated beach bum
- let's go vegetarian
- poverty, hunger, human rights, education, world peace & the happiness of every child are important
- iDeALisT & daydreamer
- likes dark chocolate, sitting around, aglio olio pasta, cherries, hanging out, bonfires, mixed drinks (especially the fruity ones), chips
- 4-eyed bookworm
- i'm a tv addict. i've been clean for 5 days and am on meds for this, too.
- i'd rather not beAt arOund d bUsh. I doN't Need bULLshit.
- nonConfoRmiSt slash wannabe dRumMeR slash eViLbItCh slash ReaLisT slash chronic doodler with a serious problem w/ authority
- i'm more of a night person. days are pretty, but i'm alert at night. plus i h8 waking up in the mornings.
- pseudo insomniac. check in with me at 5am.
- bigtime movie freak. i can't get enough of indie films, good documentaries, funny clips, romantic comedies & vintage flicks.
- i have an attachment to LoVe. treacherous & fatal, it abandons you - empty, naked & cold - on the bare concrete. another fallen victim of the cruel emotion. i'm sooo anti-love, yet, sadly, i end up a hopeless romantic
- dArK tHings intrigue & comfort mE... a little assurance that not all of us are perfect shiny plastic. i'm glad i'm not alone.there's comfort in the fact that somewhere there's another somebody wishing they were dead...
- i'm sMaLL
- i believe in soulmates & all that sappy, mushy crap. hey, it could happen
- i'm into sPace. evErything aboUt its beautiful dArkness fascinates mE. out from the black abyss comes beauty.
- sometimes wHeN i LaUgh i cAn't bReathE
- i LoVe sports. okay i like watching & trying them. not any good. haha
- i bELieve in GOD, aNgels, heAven, gOod&EviL.
+ good conversation
+ alcoholic fruity drinx
beautiful moments
*undersTand b4 u haTe. know before u speak.*
*thEre's a rEason wHy we're Here & theRe's a reAsOn whY it's nOW...*
*SaVE d pLaNet! if iT diEs, we burn wiTh iT!*
*iF u aiN't difFerEnt, thEn u'r probably a clone. ugh, coNforMist!!*
even though i suck at playing them, i still love my drums because whatever happens i can count on them to express my feelings. it's a high, a release, my outlet, my rebirth. so i beat the shit out of them & end up with something that i (even though it's only I alone) can understand & relate to. when i play them, i find this sort of contentment&happiness that i might never find anywhere else. so why stop playing?? +iLoVeplayingTheDrUMS+
in the dark i find tHe soLace tHat lulls me to a dreamless slumber... in eVerY1 thEre is aN abySs, a bLaCk vOid wE wiLL nVr mAke uP fOr. tHe scArrEd oNes r bEautiFul & tHe fLawleSs plaStic r uNreAl.. dReAms r pOssibLe..
if you want to talk about me, say it to my face, you fucking backstabber (that's to no 1 in particular, unless u have something 2 hide. i hope the guilt kills u slowly)..
so why should i take your hand
when you can't promise happy endings?
pretty, dead, dark, fragile...
i support these causes. make a difference. effect change.

My Interests

++anything under the sky++
--what ever comes to mind--

--LiFe & dEatH-- --GrEeNpeAce and SolarGeneratiOn--
--...the anti-establishment music movement commonly known as PuNk RoCk ...--
--meaningful + honest music-- --filmS-- --sports-- --bOokS (pHilosophY, aUtobiOgrapHies, wAr, fiCtion)--
-- saving the environment + i love the outdoors --
--oUtEr spAce-- --wOrld hiStory-- --EuRoPe-- --WorLd War II-- --mAkinG a DifFeRence-- --bands that rock & make good music-- --DrUmS-- --pizza-- --stars/starry cloudless nights-- --band shirts--
--the beach-- --getting lazy-- --GREENPEACE-- --Solar Generation!!--
--television & the crap media injects into our brains--
--beaches-- --mountain trails -- --sunsets--
--animal rights-- --poetry-- --bonfires--

--drinks & good conversation--
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x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x

I'd like to meet:

God, He miGht haV thE answeRs..
aNyoNe wHo's wiLLing 2 mEet mE half-wAy
... TeEnAge fReAks ...
sOmEOne wHo cHallengeS me & MaKeS me tHink
... a PeRsOn whO's niCe 2 taLk 2, cUz wHeN u'r oLd & neAr dEath talKing iS all tHat'S leFt ...
soMeonE wHo sEeS my FlaWs & dOesn't LoOk aWay or grimAce
sOmeoNe i caN b h0neSt with & not b Afraid of l0sing that perSoN
a perSon i can be SaNe -and- InSane with
... rOcKers, musiCians, musIc LoVers ... rEaLists ... peOpLe whO tHink ...

fall out boy, mark hoppus, tom delonge, dave grohl, martin luther king, jfk, winston churchill, che guevarra, karl marx, shaant of ciwwaf, elvis, jimi hendrix, lance armstrong, tony hawk, stephen king, jostein gaarder p.coelho, U2 (bono!!), rancid, brand new, gwen stefani, etc.

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-x-i LiVe fOr thIS sHit!!!-x-

MusiC iS LiFe. it'S tHe sOuLs of thE pEOpLe wh0 asPire 4 dReams & mY gEneRatiOn's bLoOd ... emo, aLterNatiVe, skA, hIpHOp, screamo, RnB, pUnk, garage rock, indie - eAcH iS diFfeRent & eAch iNfLuEnceS tHe yOuth in A uNiQue wAY ... but i like PUNK ROCK the most!!! stuff i like:
_fallOutBoy (x_0)_takingBackSunday
_sugarcult _blink182 _storyOfTheYear _theEels
_south _brandNew _the clash _the ramones
_amberPacific _elvis _urbanDub _pinkSpiders
_newFoundGlory _thrice _theSuicidePact
_theCure _mxpx _nofx _midtown _theBeautifulMistake
_theVines _3EB _theStrokes _kamikazee _theUsed
_rancid _jimmyEatWorld _billyTalent
_gooGooDolls _u2 _lit _greenDay _saveFerris
_switchfoot _theHives _typecast _paramore
_sum 41 _the ataris _30secondsToMars
_3DaysGrace _punchline _anberlin _rufio _MoZ
_theBeatles _catch22 _theStartingLine _oasis
_hit the lights
_theKillers _sublime _furtherSeemsForever
_panic!At the Disco _something corporate
_hitTheLights _pennywise _theFormat _getUpKids
_millencolin _bowling4Soup _hawthorne Heights
_PMToday!!! _hotHotHeat _fromFirsttoLast
_theAcademyIs... _lucky7
_Cute is What We Aim For
_bobMarley _jet _yeahYeahYeahs _dashboardConfessional
_jackJohnson _sensesFail _relient K
_coldplay _hellogoodbye _boys like girls
_snow patrol _redJumpsuit Apparatus _augustana
_mustardPlug _voodooGlow Skulls _ok go

i heart FaLL_Ou+_bOy...

...and CuteIsWhat WeAimFor


x o x o x


--i love movies 2 death esp. the ones i can relate to & those that inspire me to ask for touble (nah, stand up 4 myself, maybe..)-- okay, i admit i have a problem. i'm addicted i tell you!!! i like a lot of movies but here are the 1s i can't get enough of...
+ an inconvenient truth + in the land of women
+ empire records + goonies + pride & prejudice
+ garden state + snatch + prince&me
+ bowling for columbine + supersize me + almost famous
+ mallrats + band of brothers + old school
+ dead poets society + 50 1st dates + 16 candles
+ dazed&confused + lucky 7 + say anything
+ eternal sunshine of the spotless mind
+ bang,bang you're dead + ferris bueller's day off
+ big fish + without a paddle
+ fools rush in + under the tuscan sun
+ star wars (ep.III-VI)
+ friday night lights + pretty in pink
+ never been kissed + the breakfast club
+ perfect score + indiana jones + fahrenheit 9/11
+ stand by me + the invisible circus + love story
mostly the kind of stuff that wakes you up or makes you wonder.


Ahhh... Here it is - my sweet, sweet demise.
The shows worth flunking tests, straining eyes, going crazy & losing sleep over:
_Grey's Anatomy
*It's like candy, but with blood... which is so much better! - Christina*
_Gossip Girl
* xoxo...You Know you love me. - Gossip Girl *
*Read less. More TV. - (i ♥) Dr. Gregory House*
*Get a clue.*
*Detective: ...and one prior for assaulting a cab driver. Danny: That's still a crime in New York?*
*Let's hug it out, bitch! - Ari ♥*
*Are you on the list?*
_How I Met Your Mother
_Ugly Betty

Honorable mention:
_prison Break _Without A Trace _The Daily Show With JonStewart
_The Unit _Criminal Minds _Jericho
_Sex & theCity _Friends _supernatural _scrubs _Law & Order:SVU
_LasVegas _Seinfeld _american Dad _NCIS
_HBO originals _numbers _Gilmore girls _8th & Ocean _UEFA games
_wildBoyz _trippin _CSI _Family Guy
...basically i'm addicted to the shit the media trix us into liking. so i'll probably go with anything. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


anything good & worth thinking about. books (plus tv) are probably why i have to wear glasses sometimes. here are my faves:
MaYa; The SoLitairE MysterY --Jostein Gaarder // ThE aLcHemiSt; Veronika Decides to Die; Beside the River PiEdra I Sat DOwn & WePt --Paulo Coelho // The Chronicles of Narnia -- CS Lewis // BAnd Of bRotHerS --Stephen Ambrose // To Kill a Mockingbird --Harper Lee // AnGels & DeMOnS --Dan Brown // The Stand; Firestarter; Dreamcatcher... (& other books by Stephen King) // wRitten in the StArs --Sarah Ball // Daughter of FoRtune+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +


--what are heroes anyway?!--
they're just people. people who don't just take it when they're being beaten. they decide to rise above the rest in the hope that one or 2 of us will see what's really wrong with society & follow. they r the people who die 4 something other than money&fame, and who stand firm in the face of one pissed off&powerful adversary for what they believe in, for what cause they choose to fight for. heroes are rebels, athletes, volunteers, artists, students, teachers, kids, fathers, mothers, they're ordinary people like u & me who take the road nobody wants to take, so the rest of us can fuck up our lives in peace...
here r some heroes of mine: JFK - mArtIn lUther kiNg - pEoPle whO Live, fiGht & diE foR PEaCE, FReedOM, hUmaN RiGHts & MaNkiNd - NeLsOn MandeLa - ReD CrOsS & pEacE corPs vOLuntEers - LAnce arMstrong - stePhen kiNg - peta2 street teamers - the BeaTles! - jiMi hENdrix - bonO - tOny haWk - GrEEnPEACe - mIke metZgEr - miKe pArSOns - HannAh TetEr - keLLy claRk - sALly riDe - eiLeEn colliNs - gHandi - dave Grohl - travis barker - andy hurley
people who kick their demons' asses & those who aren't afraid to ask for some sort of salvation from their personal hell

My Blog

Cheers to a Decent Summer (i ♥ lazy days)

I was looking through random notes i made in my calendar and I saw this "Cheers to a decent summer!". It made me smile. Yeah, I thought. Summer's fiery beginnings may have crashed and burned and left...
Posted by hello, sweet demise on Mon, 13 Aug 2007 03:58:00 PST

Registration Hell

(This is for those in the Philippines and those who have toiled in the heat or rain last year to become a registered voter.)Yesterday, we were treated to wonderful news. There would be no classes and ...
Posted by hello, sweet demise on Fri, 03 Aug 2007 04:09:00 PST

125 Crazy Things

I took a test earlier. Well, no, it's actually a checklist. It had 125 "crazy" things on it & I had to check off things I've done before. I decided to take it - not just to see how insane or goofy...
Posted by hello, sweet demise on Wed, 27 Jun 2007 03:20:00 PST

Global Warming & the Kyoto Protocol

According to a report made by the UN's Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), scientists have observed changes in ocean temperatures and global rainfall, giving them a better grasp of the g...
Posted by hello, sweet demise on Thu, 15 Feb 2007 10:48:00 PST

Veto Valentine's

I don't want to sound so cynical, yet I can't help but flinch at the hilarious displays of affection & absurd/uncalled for - sometimes misguided or worse pathetic - professions of love. For m...
Posted by hello, sweet demise on Tue, 13 Feb 2007 08:52:00 PST

Let's Rock Against the War

I found this video on YouTube. It's about what happened in New Orleans, what's still happening in Iraq & what good can happen if the US government would put their resources to good use. The world ...
Posted by hello, sweet demise on Sat, 28 Oct 2006 02:29:00 PST

NoRmaL pEopLe sCare Me... revisited & tweaked

Sometimes I catch myself looking around my classroom during class & I find that nearly everyone is staring at or listening to the teacher. Stock still in chairs just nodding along to the conundrum tha...
Posted by hello, sweet demise on Sat, 07 Oct 2006 09:33:00 PST

I've been quizzed!! ...the wonders of online quizzes. lol.

Hmmm. I think I'm getting addicted to these online personality quizzes.Don't you just love them? The quirky & odd ones are damn good. The stupid quizzes make me LMAO. The typical/trendy types amus...
Posted by hello, sweet demise on Sun, 10 Sep 2006 08:11:00 PST

Which European country is you?

Take the quiz: Which European country is you?SpainCongratulations, you can move on the dance floor! Loads of pale tourists to see on the winter, with their hopes to becoming as exotic as you!Quizzes b...
Posted by hello, sweet demise on Fri, 08 Sep 2006 12:24:00 PST

What's your converse?

Take the quiz: What's your converse?The Punk.ROCK OUT LOUD. You love rocking. Your friends consist of nice people. But not a lot of gangstas or preps. preps just think you freaky. You might have Hot p...
Posted by hello, sweet demise on Tue, 05 Sep 2006 10:54:00 PST