Anything in photography and graphics. Mountains. Sedona, Arizona. In Florida everything above 5 ft is considered a mountain. Sundays. Playing softball in a park with the smell of charcoal grills all around. Books I have to read twice. Global warming. Faces and bodies that turn heads. SUVs- you can put alot of photo stuff back there. 10" woofers- no earphones please. Cameras you can't put down. Stir-fry recipies. Overstuffed pillows. OK?
Beating hearts! So many of us have soooo much potential (where have we heard THAT b/4?). Unfortunately potential doesn't pay the rent or keep the tummy full. Or, most importantly, fulfill the human spirit. I like enthusiastic people! People with goals, ambitions, dreams- and I think most artists fall into that category. Actors, bands, models, dancers, comedians, authors, politicians, speakers, wannabees... people willing to put it all on the line for their dreams. Unfortumately most of us do not own private jets to fly from go-see to audition, to present ourselves WE NEED PROMOTIONAL MATERIALS in the form of photos, comp cards, bios, demo materials, business cards- and, of course, TALENT. To look good at those auditions, leaving quality promo materials behind, lasting impressions competing with perhaps dozens of other materials left by others. Yes, I like to meet doers, not complainers. Goal keepers not goal tenders. Talent that oozes, doesn't get old and tarnish. And we think we can help you make a difference in helping you to meet those ambitions.
Yeah, lots and lots of music. Music is blood flowing thru the veins. Gotta blast that cd player- why not?. Old rock.. Aeromsmith, GNR, Journey, Boston- raunchy twangy guitars. Didn't like rap until Timberlake and Timbaland. The pretty CMT stars and the soultry sistas. Christina, Alisha, old Britney. Yeah, and Michael- a genius b/4 he went down. Don't hate me 'cause I like Journey.
Gladiator- my favorite. The guy was a winner. And Saving Private Ryan, teached us humility and the result of sacrifice. Nothing with too much matrix animation- gets boring. Films with colorful endings. Coppola. Ridley Scott. Hitchcock. Still cringe at the b&w shower scene in Pshyco. And when the cop gets it at the top of the stairs. Also Travolta got his in Pulp Fiction. Suprise! SAW was stupid -how could the paper in his pocket be dry after the dude was in the bathtub? Sean Penn. Denzel outrocks them all.
MSNBC and the Discovery Channel. Gotta know what's going on, you know. HBO if Chris Rock is on. Realty shows are so posed- look at the hairlight and the makeup. Ridiculous- how did that hairlight get in the hallway. Hate pill commercials. And above all- the NFL. Don't call me if my Bucs are losing.
Anything on Photoshop. More of a magazine reader tho- Maxim, Stuff, FHM. Playboy for the pictures and the sets- none better. I'm like a sponge... give me anything I can learn from. Oh yeah, Michener, Dean Koontz. And the glamour ads in Vogue- wow! The best! Live and learn my darlings... if it's in Milan today it will be in NYC in six months. Better keep up! FYI.. in Europe they refer to magazines as "books". And, of course, models haul around their "book" up and down 5th ave in NY. All day.
My father above all. An unselfish, uneducated man. Loved his family and his wife more than anything except his God. I still hear his voice, I would give anything to get one more hug. Great Leaders. Mr. Churchill. Patton. Mr Reagan tearing down that wall. Mr Kennedy telling Cuba and Russia to f**k off. Can't understand that Washington dude with the wig tho.