Kosta Atanasov profile picture

Kosta Atanasov

I believe.

About Me

I really don’t think that it’s vital for this field to contain information at all. People just don’t read that kind of stuff - they look at the pictures. At least I know I do. I look at the pics I mean, not the reading thing. Anyway, as you soon will see, if you get on reading this, I sometimes contradict myself. Plus, since I have written this in the first place, why waste it? It wouldn’t do much good if I printed it and hanged it on the wall, would it? I might just as well put it here, and maybe someone, someday could read it and find something that makes a difference. And even if it’s a tiny, puny difference, then maybe it was meant to be that way, ‘cause I don’t believe in coincidences. They happen to often, you know. Way too often. Anyway. Here goes:
I'm an artist. I work in the computer graphics field, mainly game-development stuff, from illustration to 3D models and so on. I work in various 3D and 2D software, which you probably haven’t heard of anyway. Have been doing that for quite a while now. They say I’m OK, but that’s up for you to judge. If you are interested in my artwork, check out my website at www.kostaatanasov.com. I have painted a couple of CD covers and a bunch of other stuff too, but I do that only for friends and am not for hire. Unless you’re one of my favorite bands that is – ‘cause then you’re in my friends category. I love my work. It rocks, and I can say that I’m one of the people who cannot wait for the next day so they can just get working again. When I’m doing something inspiring that is (It happens often lately), I got my share of boring stuff too.
I’m also a dedicated biker. I mean the motorcyclist kind of biker, I’m not the bicycle type. I’d probably crash instantly if I got on one of those dangerous and unstable pedal driven suicide machines. But motorcycles, now that’s the true emotion, that’s the true passion, and that’s the true spirit. I love my bike – it gives me both company and solitude when I need them. It’s a man’s best friend - just like a dog - only it’s not that hairy and doesn’t stick its tongue in your ears, like my poodle Jerry for example. In this line of thought, did I tell you I dislike cats? They have this strange way making me feel creepy. I try to avoid them when I can (Thank God, more often than not I can). Same goes for women drivers. Yes, both avoiding and the make-me-feel-creepy thing too. The disliking itself is case dependent, however. But enough of these horrid animals (the cats, not the women drivers)! Where was I? Ah, yeah, OK, well there’s another thing: Most people don't believe me, when I say I'm shy. Well, I don't know if that's really true any more - I'm a really social person, and I make friends real easy. Hopefully, I make good friends. You probably wonder why is this relevant to the motorcycles issue: that is due to the fact, that my bike gave me the basis for communication – you see, bikers, at least here in Europe, are a very, very colorful and intermixed crowd of all kinds of people, but people who are united upon the basis of simply owning a two wheeler. People who take the other man on the bike as a brother, and act like he was one, no matter what the case is (even if he’s not their brother I mean, cause he can actually be one). And I was, I guess I can say, really shy, before I got my first bike, and now I’ve made a lot of true friends that ride with me now. And hell yeah, bikers are underestimated…you have no idea how much, unless you are one. Life is not like in the movies, and good guys don’t always wear white. Still, my shyness applies to girls, but just as long as I get to know them better. I blush a lot though.
Following my passion for bikes, I naturally got one for touring as well. I love traveling, both with friends and alone. I love comfort, don’t get me wrong – I wouldn’t trade it for anything – but I love having a wild kind of life also, with all the unforeseen small things that happen, the freedom of the impulsive decisions, the smell of the wet grass in the morning and the little drops of water inside my tent when I wake up. I love adventures, and can't wait till the next one comes around. I think a true adventure would actually involve breaking some nails, getting all messed up and dirty, all wet and cold , burning your finger on the fire while trying to cook something that should not even be cooked that way, going to places you shouldnt be and occasionaly trying to sleep in a tent full of water). My theory about adventures is that YOU HAVE to be tired, you have to be stuck somewhere and dont know how to fix something, and dont know the language, you have to have some kind of something that gets you off the track. Helps you fully appreciate what you have when you get back - there’s so much we take for granted, things we appreciate only when we get separated from them for a while. And it’s fun to be back. Hopefully, my next destination would be working for some time in California. Hopefully, soon. So many new points to ride to, ain’t it?
I don’t like just any music. I love music that would make my blood boil, make me smile, inspire and charge me. Fast, energetic, melodic music. Classic rock, Hair Metal, or Happy Metal if you will. I like POSITIVE STUFF. Progressive, powerful and melodic, but with shorter than 5 minutes guitar solos, if possible. Power, speed and most of all - Classic Metal – Old School, of course. I have certain taste for music, but I’m far from understanding it – I cannot sing, I cannot play, I cannot even whistle right, but noone cares anyway, as long as I don’t try doing it. My favorite band for…heck knows for how many years…are Bon Jovi. Always will be, I have no doubt of that. This is MY MUSIC, something that fits me perfectly and I’m happy I’ve found it. I do not like harder stuff like Black/Death in general, however, and not ‘cause of the music - aside from the vocals, it would be somewhat OK in the melodic cases. But I really, really dislike the reversed cross agenda. Crosses are just fine the way they are, quit rotating them, for Christ’s sake.
And yes, I’m a strong believer. I believe in God, and I’m doing my best to live according to how I understand His way. I do not believe in church however. Do not get me wrong, I don’t have anything against it, I go now and then - but I think belief is something personal. I believe in fate, and I do not believe in coincidences. I do believe in free will however. I believe that mind affects matter, and we create our lives to a certain extent. It gets a little tangled to explain the controversy fate -free will, but not impossible. I believe in honesty. I know you’ve heard that before, but I FREAKING MEAN IT. One thing pisses me off the most – lies. Even small ones. Any lies. It’s a certain way to lose my respect, most probably forever. I believe that there’s not a chance I can tell a lie, at least not one I would be one to benefit of. I presume I could tell a lie to protect a friend though, ‘cause I value my friends highest. I’m really happy that I didn’t have to make that choice, at least for now. Nevertheless, I believe in justice too, and I wouldn’t defend even a friend that does wrong. See, it got complicated again, darn it all to heck…Anyway…The point is I’m trying to live according to my beliefs, which are…mine. I’m not saying I’m an angel, I’m not. Definitely not, trust me on that one. Err…I’m evil! Yeah! Grrrrr! I told you I don’t lie, didn’t I? I also believe in positivism. I often am ironic or sarcastic about things, but it’s for fun’s sake. I’m also interested in history of religions, not only Christianity – in ancient myths and legends as well.
I’m straight. You have to write that down these days, just to make sure you’ wouldn’t be getting one of those messages. Hell yeah, I have a thing for rocker girls. Do I think seeing a girl in leather is hot? Well…let me think…Hell yeah! And if she got a bike to it, well, that’s really impresses me. I mean, woman on a motorcycle!? That’s the hottest thing ever. And I never had a rocker girlfriend. Believe it. I know it’s crazy, but…all of them have been errr…whatchacallem? The girls that err…make up a lot, those you have to wait for like an hour before you can finally go out? Whatever. I don’t have a girl right now, and maybe the next will be a rocker one. The position is vacant, but don’t jump on your seats, I’m not in the internet kind of thing. I’m very old fashioned in my relationships, however you might want to interpret it. I like to take advantage of everything a real life face-to-face bond with another person can offer, and I’m here for friends only.
I’m also trying to write now and then. Not so serious stuff so far, maybe that’s why people seem to like it. Stories about my motorcycle travels with friends, stuff like that. I’ve almost written a quite long metal-opera-sound-like kind of fantasy epic in rhyme, and I just wrote a short poem, out of the blue, still cannot believe it. Strange thing is I did these two in English. Must be one of these “inspiration floating in the air and I caught it” kind of thing. Maybe I’ll post it in my blog, will see. I'm not a man of few words when I write, as opposed to when I speak. But I supposed you’ve already noticed that, haven’t you? Aside from writing, I also like to read. Scratch that. I LOVE to read. I’m one of those old school book raised kind of guys, which cannot sleep until they’ve finished their book. I like sci-fi/ fantasy/ mystery/ horror books (and movies, btw) and DISLIKE any other literature. Yes, I know, that’s shortsighted and I’m wrong – I don’t care. I don’t read non fiction. I don’t like it, and I find nothing in a book that hasn’t got at least a little bit of fiction in it. Same goes for the movies, though in a much lesser form, in general I can watch anything. Still, remember that “The Village” movie? Hell, it began just sooo nice, and then just got all screwed. I hated that.
Well, I guess that’s about it. Thanx for reading all that stuff, seriously. I think you’ve made a huge mistake, but I guess we’re no longer complete strangers, are we? Sorry about the length, but that happens when you try to fit who you are into a couple of lines. You just can’t. And It’s not the lines, It’s not that you have so much to write, but It’s that you don’t actually know what to write, and when you have written it – how much of it is true, and how much you know who you are. And when you finally write it down, you can go on and edit it forever…Scratch that. I just hate to cut stuff out. Anyway. I’m complicated, just like you are. And if you care who I am, there’s just one way to find out anyway, and it’s NOT by reading what I said about myself, ESPECIALLY it it’s that long. Drop me a line anytime, I’ll be happy to hear from you. Stay true, and rock on!

My Interests

Art. Motorcycles. Sci fi movies, books and games.I intentionaly avoid non-fiction literature;)I'm interested in 3d and 2d computer grafics.

I'd like to meet:

Junko , Morena Baccarin , Inahra Serra and Jon Bon Jovi . Besides them, new friends from all over the place ;)


Melodic stuff. Classic hard rock, heavy and progressive metal...Bands and artists like Gotthard, Queensryche, Megadeth, Iron Maiden, Bruce Dickinson, Pantommind , Andromeda, Symphony X, Shadow Gallery, Pain of Salvation, Synergy, Skid Row, Edguy, Scorpions, Kamelot, Conception, Enchant, Europe, Whitesnake, Warlock & Doro, Manowar, Meat Loaf, Savatage, Circle II Circle and Stratovarius, all things Jorn Lande, Masterplan, Beyond Twilight, Treshold, Ayreon, ARK, Rage, Winger, Cinderella, Firehouse, and above all - *BON JOVI*


Aliens, Aliens, Aliens, Aliens, Star Wars, Star Wars, Aliens. Tim Burton, Tim Burton, Tim Burton, Terry Gilliam, Ridley Scott, RICHARD LINKLATER
also... other stuff that speaks about this bleeping great place we live in and know nothing about.


Futurama, Firefly, Battlestar Galactica


Fantasy and Sci-fi : Lois McMaster Budgeold, J.R.R.Tolkien, S.King and D.Kuntz, Orson Scott Kard, Terry Pratchett ,Douglas Adams and many more


People who are not afraid to speak about what they think and about how they feel. People who know who they are and where they stand.

My Blog

The Somewhat Epic Story of How I Found Excarvibur - CONCLUDED:

Excarvibur - the epic story   Excarvibur - the translation  Countless ages have sunk into the void of oblivion, since I have last lifted  my enchanted digital chisel, carving the ...
Posted by Kosta Atanasov on Sun, 17 Dec 2006 02:19:00 PST