'NaTeeKo' is the organic groovatronic dance collaboration of Nico of the Wood and Hypnatalia. It began as a spontaneous interpretive manifestation of free-spirited movement that was showcased as part of The New Ledge Band. It evolved into a technically sophisticated enchantment of the dance that stands on its own.We must give credit to our guest appearing dancer/robot PanBioticBooty (Sean Lynch), mixmaster Ramah,the camera skills of Zoya, propmaster Sonya, and DJ Punk Soul Brutha.
My Interests
I'd like to meet:
martha graham. daniel "cloud" campos. channing tatum. jamie king. darrin henson. the guy from the fatboy slim 'praise you' video... width="425" height="350" ..
My Blog
Video of last performance coming soon...
we will soon be posting our last performance. stay tuned... Posted by on Sat, 04 Nov 2006 11:32:00 GMT