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About Me

Cogito, ergo sum
I think, therefore I am.
& these are a collaboration of thoughts that have crossed my mind,
entertain yourself will you?
-Social Networking Sites are getting far too convoluted. Or maybe i'm just old school. >_<
- ROCK OPERA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
-Hm, it really bums me out whenever I drink a glass of ice cold water, and all the ice gangs up on my upper lip, and I can't drink any of the water
Quote from the movie Trainspotting:
"Now I've justified this to myself in all sorts of ways. It wasn't a big deal, just a minor betrayal. Or we'd outgrown each other, you know, that sort of thing. But let's face it, I ripped them off - my so called mates. But Begbie, I couldn't give a shit about him. And Sick Boy, well he'd done the same to me, if he'd only thought of it first. And Spud, well okay, I felt sorry for Spud - he never hurt anybody. So why did I do it? I could offer a million answers - all false. The truth is that I'm a bad person. But, that's gonna change - I'm going to change. This is the last of that sort of thing. Now I'm cleaning up and I'm moving on, going straight and choosing life. I'm looking forward to it already. I'm gonna be just like you. The job, the family, the fucking big television. The washing machine, the car, the compact disc and electric tin opener, good health, low cholesterol, dental insurance, mortgage, starter home, leisure wear, luggage, three piece suite, DIY, game shows, junk food, children, walks in the park, nine to five, good at golf, washing the car, choice of sweaters, family Christmas, indexed pension, tax exemption, clearing gutters, getting by, looking ahead, the day you die. "
-Mark "Rentboy" Renton
Great Movie.
-The Mountain Goats - Sax Rohmer #1 .. .. ....
-iLife on shuffle. *Shudder*
-I usually get a chicken quesadilla when I go to Taco Bell.
-I prefer body wash instead of soap bars.
-I have a habit of bringing more text books than I really need to school.
-Mos Def is my favorite "Actor/Rapper". But he's tied with Will Smith to be honest.
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-This mesmerized me for a good half hour.
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-I wish I could download stuff. Actual physical, tangible things, like staplers and pencils, stuff like that.
-I want to make a punk song about how if there was ever a zombie invasion, America would be the most dangerous place, because a bunch of really obese zombies would run around, and be terribly difficult to decapitate. They would practically be bullet catchers.
-A world sailing champion came to my house once. Honestly, it was some brother of one of my Dad's cousins that came to visit. It was really gnarly.
-Mitsubishi means three water chestnuts in japanese.
-I find scream-O music slightly frightening.
-I quaintly suggest that you see this movie.
Just like any Seuss book, it covers a number of subtle themes that can easily be attributed to problems we have today. And on the other hand, children can enjoy it too.
-Outlet stores are quite wonderful.
-I've been reading some short stories in Tagalog lately, its always nice to feel a little closer to your roots.
-Sometimes I feel like there's too much unnecessary animosity in the world just for the sake of conformity. Its kind of like how people in America were "Angry" at Russians and vice versa; Even at highschool level, I mean a couple summers ago I was walking around sultana campus and some kids from hesperia high were calling me a slut. Kind of funny actually, but I mean honestly, why? Just because I'm from a school I have almost indifferent feelings of appreciation for?
-I enjoy things like eye exams, health check ups, that sort of thing, I'm not sure what it is but I find it soothing sitting around in your chair and or cushioned piece of furniture, having them say, "Okay now do this, and now this". I figure its the same reason why I enjoyed being read to as a child.
-"We the citizens of Toy Collecting, pledge ourselves as every man for himself, regardless of what brand we collect, to build a toy empire that is better than the next guy, based on craftiness, scalping, and black marketeering. So as to achieve a better toy collection and therefore a better waste of time." - Macross World Forums; So true...So true...
-So America, some people lose sight of what this country really means. We're built on a foundation where we have free speech as a first amendment and people don't fully utilize this capability, not only because they don't know they can but also because in a number of instances they're not allowed to. Isn't that what our country is about? The fact that we should be allowed to give a big f.u. to the the government every now and then without worrying about the unmarked black vans taking us away to Guantanamo? At the same time, yes, I do believe in a thing called respect as well, but did we really come all the way from England just to establish another form of hierarchy? Heh.
-I like eating chinese food out of the little take out boxes, using chop sticks.
-I miss my braces sometimes.
-I was watching Real Time with Bill Maher today, I like it.
-It really is ridiculous how many "Holy Crudinski's I came up with something incredible and revolutionary!!!!!....What!? What do you mean they already have it?!!!!!.....haha. oh well" moments I've had in my life.
-Hm, I thought about what gravity might be the other day. Okay so black holes, they are the result of a large body of mass, energy, etc. that are suddenly lost. I think this is the foundation of where "gravity" comes from. Let's say that you have a bunch of objects laying around a trampoline and then you have something extremely heavy that weighs down the center, all of the objects go towards it right? Well I see gravity to work the same way, it isn't a force itself but an after effect. And after this giant object is lost, it leaves a dent in the trampoline, much like the large objects which disappear and later result in the black holes in our universe. Someone probably came up with this already, I'm not sure, but I'm just sharing what I think. ^_^
-Some of my favorite smells include new car and elevator.
-I'm not quite a fan of V8 drinks.
-Sometimes I get those extra existential moments...sometimes.
-I want broccoli flavored donuts. Don't steal my idea, please?!
-The Bass is an underrated instrument. I didn't even know what a Bass looked like until I went and bought one
-If I ever get to be retired, I think I'll spend my time reading and watching every book and movie I ever wanted to see that I didn't yet get the chance to.
-I'm a rather Bashful fellow.
-Ebay is intense.
-Vin Diesel has been playing Dungeons and Dragons for over 20 years. Wonder what level he's at?
-I eat Strawberries and Kiwi's whole. Rawr. Haha.
-Speaking of which, I watched the movie Gandhi, and it absolutely blew my mind. That doesn't happen very often, and I hardly ever say things do if they do. It is such a bitter sweet movie, and I think that's one of my favorite flavors. You just watch it the whole time hoping and wishing, and some of those wishes are granted, but the most important ones never are, and you just cringe at the fact that you have to be content with that.
-Funny thing, I've been spelling Gandhi, Ghandi instead for a really long time. Haha.
-"Why look for somebody who has it worse off than you? Why not hope someone has it better off than you?" -My gramms
-My theme song would sound something like,
"I have a bag of green cats
that crazy old lady can't compete with me
I wear my hat backwards made out of fleas
I like the smell of cream cheese and motor oil
and when I feel like it I act like a cow!
I have a unibrow made of jelly
and my elbows are smelly
Would you name your daughter shelly?
Tell me something that's rhetorical
My shoe laces are untied
I prefer my Frenches are fried
The end. "
-One of my favorite quotes by the band Cake is, "The ornaments look pretty, but they're pulling down the branches of the tree." I think it's a great line practically everytime I hear it.
-Tetris is for people who have OCD and ADD.
-I like words a lot. There are just so many of them that are instantly at your disposal. It's like if you had a transformer action figure but turned it into something less tangible.
-I'm not sure if I'd make that good of a film critic, I probably wouldn't have as much conviction as other critics, unless it would be something along the lines of Transformers(The Original Animated movie from 1986) or The Matrix, etc. then perhaps it would hold a bit of bias, in a tongue in cheek type of fashion. A lot my critiques would have a bunch of good things about a movie, and some of those "They could have done this and this and this" and then I'd follow that up with a bunch of other compliments. Too positive for people's likings. I could give constructive criticism though if necessary.
-I watched Dragon Wars the other day. I think that pretty much speaks for it self. There are some redeeming qualities though, the dragon war itself was cool.
-So, today is Martin Luther King Jr. Day, the great person who shook the foundations of civil rights down to the core. I just happened to watch a documentary about him earlier today and was reminded of how intensely different America was just 40 to 50 years ago, when civil rights were actually becoming more popular. There was so much hatred and suffering going on in the lives of everyday people out in the open. Many people don't give enough gratitude to this man and his ideas, which can be said about a number of influencial people, Gandhi, Che Guevara, Nelson Mandela, Lech Walesa, Albert Einstein, Sigmund Freud, just to name a few. I'm not saying that the world we live in right now isn't absolutely terrible or the greatest its ever been, but, I do think certain things should be appreciated. Ironically however, I think our society isn't as great for the exact same reason. Since there isn't much controversy, or strife, we've become this luke-warm society which has not much else to bicker about besides tabloids and other things of that nature. I suggest watching American Beauty.
-Summary of Me throughout the ages, so far.
Pre-K: I was a quiet, curious, little chum I was. Hardly said a word really.
Kindergarten-5thGrade: Interesting chap I was, had a thing for girls at an early age. Nothing too extreme, I just guess I liked them before most guys, I was on good terms with the ladies, not too much luck with 'em though. haha.
I was a bit sad now and then, thought a lot about the sad things in the world, watched Schindler's List, those starving children in Africa infomercials, that kind of thing. I had written a book of morose poetry that would make you think that it was written by Nietzsche himself.
8thGrade: Perked up a bit. Bit of a puberty pun there, no breasts though. Haha. Um, yeah I did lighten up a lot. Was a bit more carefree, nicer too I suppose.
9-10thGrade: I've developed not so much a carefree, but fairly concerned and moderately active role in society. Still a fairly nice guy. Not as self-concious, but I guess that could change at a moment's notice. All in all, not too shabby fella.
This is what your eyes look like when you read all of this.
-I used to think several meant there were seven. My teacher used to use the word a lot in 6th grade and when he'd list things and say something like, "There's one, two, three, and several others" I'd think he meant there was 13 of whatever it is he's talking about when really there were upwards of thousands.
-Falling down so many times teaches us several ways to get up. Saying that, our best times are only really as good as how bad our worst times have been. Given that, you've never had a bad moment in your life and nothing but "Good" moments, you sort of cheat yourself out of any real feeling besides a sheltered indifference. Pain, suffering, unhappiness, it's all a necessary evil to allow us the gift of joy.
-So after reading some scientific journals I feel that Alcoholic beverages should be put in a more positive light, not a glamorous stage show, but a nice little flash light should do. Alcoholic beverages are beneficial in several ways. They can lower risk of heart attack, risk of diabetes, risk of Alzheimer's disease, stroke, and increase longevity. Also, they kill slower cells which slow down the brain, to make the rest of it work faster. It's like a herd of buffalo, when the weaker ones die off, the rest of the herd moves faster without them. On the other hand there are a few down sides as well. There's addiction, malnutrition, cancer, muscle cramps, nausea, nerve disorders, depression, osteoporosis, low blood sugar, Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome (which is basically being drunk all the time without alcohol), and damages dendrites (which can heal, but changes nerve-cell structure permanently). So, like anything else, it has its ups and downs.
-I read about bohemianism a while back, it's basically you live your life in a house, cottage, some form of shelter somewhere, as crazy as you want to, living non-traditionally, and being completely autonomous. People have called it, "Voluntary Poverty", which really isn't that bad if you're enjoying your life.
-For the most part, I don't necessarily agree with stereotypes, whether it be race, sex, religion, or any sort of category that's put forth for us to utilize, but will say that I have both been a victim and culprit. We ALL have the same traits, they're just expressed differently. For example, "That's a guy thing", sometimes I get offended whenever I'm accused of this, because girls have a lot of the same traits too. Some guys are forced to think they have to follow the stipulations that are confined within the stereotype and it really hinders human potential. Here are a couple blunt, but effective examples; Hypothetically speaking, let's say a guy is a really good writer, but he's a football player and has to have this manly "Jock" exterior, therefore he can't show his work to anybody because they would automatically assume they are some overly sensitive wimpy kid, so there goes the loss of potential in what he's also good at. In contrast, a girl is rather accustomed towards fashionista ideals and the like, but she really wants to play foot ball and is actually exceptionally well, but can't because it's too manly and whenever she tries to do well against guys they get defensive because a girl is beating them and they start spreading the word they she's "Butch" and such, so there goes another wasted potential. These can be interchanged with a number of things, and used for labeling certain things like pervertedness and gossip. Another is that Asians are bad drivers, guess what? So are other races. There are plenty of different ethnicities with bad drivers. The fact of the matter is, many of us are guilty of some for of sexism, racism, religious hostility, whether it be towards us or from us because of the news, the way you were raised, etc. Some are a lucky, the select few, who go through life without any negative preconceived notions. It's just a matter of less prejudice, more respect and recognizing individuals as individuals.
-Go IWFL! It's the Independent Woman's Football Leauge, where the girl's aren't in skimpy clothing, but actual protective uniform because of how hard they play out there. I really respect these atheletes.
-Virtu for everybody!
-Last night, I fell asleep with my shoes on.
-The Aquabats-Pool Party [Charlie Brown Style]
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-I like buttoning things up.
-Dmx has some good music.
-Costco is Gimunganormous! (Ginormous+Humugous+French Fries+Egg Rolls+Political Inactivity-Political Inactivity-Egg Rolls-French Fries)
-I had the most shocking pain today. Emphasis on the word Shocking, not painful, SHOCKING. I was sitting around the couch holding my cell phone near my face, and because of how I shifted my feet, my arm holding my cell phone hit my face and severely stimulated a pimple and a shock flew through my entire head. It didn't hurt that bad, it was kind of like the difference between getting hit with a sledge hammer or getting electrocuted a little.
-At Vons, I was these cool environmentally friendly grocery bags that you could use over and over and over again so that you didn't have to cut down more trees for paper grocery bags.
-You know those tie things for the produce section? They're what you twist for the plastic bags. I was at Vons earlier today and was buying stuff for CSF's bake sale and wanted some of those ties, I asked an employee and said just to take some.
-Clubs I'm in:
.AP Club
.Key Club
.Green Schools
.Mock Trial
.Drama Club
I think that's it.
Basically, all my lunches are over run with meetings.
-Went to the Psychiatrist the other day, the guy was nice, went because I wanted a psychiatric evaluation of myself.
-A quote from Mark Twain, "Don't let school interfere with your education". Brilliant man, I'm slowly starting to feel the effects of that quote first hand. Over summer I'd spend hours and hours looking up things all over wikipedia, and I'd feel generally accomplished and knowledgeably satisfied. Now I don't have as much time to do that, and feel that if I spent all day studying the topics that I have in school, I think I'd learn just as much, if not more. The structure of my day would be, wake up whenever, study on the internet for so and so hours, do some experiments from science websites, go out for a run, do more research, read a book, and more research.
-Line from Talladega Nights:Ballad of Ricky Bobby, "Hakuna matata, Bitches."
-Little bit of Filipino humor.
Some translations for you before you watch if you're not familiar with Filipino word distortion, so you aren't terribly offended:
.Pack/packers (F-word)
.SBC ("Es"/It's busy)
.Sackers (Suckers)
.Sheet (shEIt)
.Pocket (F-it)
.Blocks (Blacks)
.Below Jobs (Below - el +jobs)
.. .. ..
-It is possible, that at one point we could have all had our memories erased or had new ones put in, it's kind of like trying to pinpoint when you went from closing your eyes to starting to dream.
-What would I do if I had the ability to stop time?
(Just stop time, don't want to get severely technical with time travel)
.Go to book stores and libraries and read everything
.Wait 'til the very last nanosecond for an assignment to be done, and then do it somewhere else, like Hawaii or Switzerland.
.Look at everything, just look, not mess with or anything(or attempt not to at least, maybe I'll need anti-gravity boots to so I don't leave foot prints).
.Among others.
-I enjoy walking around office supplies stores, I think they are quite fascinating.
-This one is for you Shannon! =)
- has cool games.
-"Members are not to find political satire where none is intended" -The play, Bartholomew Fair.
-"Because the stars in the sky are more important to me than the stars on the sidewalk." - PBS commercial
-I'd like to have a family crypt.
- -) <--- LAWK! cyclops smiley.
-I find it amazing how much expression can be expressed through emoticons, thankful for it too because it allows us to better utilize subtext within our writings. ^_^ 0_o
-I like HOW capitalizing SOMETHING in a sentence can SUDDENLY change the CONTEXT or make it SOUND louder.
-The month I spent in San Diego during the summer after 7th grade, I was on myspace for 24hrs.
-If Flys were in the position humans were, we'd be a lot easier to swat.
-Sometimes I think about building a time machine and then think, "Hey what if my future self already built one? He'd probably remember that I wanted to build one but didn't until when he built it and visit me to show me all sorts of cool doo hickeys." Verbatim. haha.
-Lava laps entertain me, I like to estimate the reactions that the occur during the blobby fisticuffs.
-Vanilla coke zero isn't that bad, it doesn't have that bad of an aftertaste that most diet sodas have.
-Transformers are my favorite toy, they are so very versatile and allow me to make my own creations from them. After a while though, I get a little bit of a headache staring at the same piece of plastic and metal for hours and hours converting it over and over again, still very very fun though.
-Would having 2 left feet be as good as having 2 right feet?
-Got to see Comicon this year, interesting experience, lots of cool freebies.
-Filipino music has been visiting my ears lately, kind of nice getting a feeling for my roots.
-I just spent all day reading about The Matrix on the internet.
-I like using chopsticks when I eat Asian food, makes it taste better, probably more of a psychological factor though.
-So I saw the new live-action Transformers movie, action scenes were purely adrenaline and the transformers themselves looked just as good, even watched it twice in a row.
-I like shoving popcorn in my face when I eat it, I think I saw it so much on TV as a kid I figured I'd try it and eventually thought it was fun.
-WOooOOO! Just got home from a 15 hour drive from Oregon to Sandiego. Basically all across California, and then some.
-A lot of the time when I have ideas I think are really cool, I write them down on whatever piece of paper I have in my pocket. I should make a wall of them.
-I'm really curious if anyone has ever read all of these?
-From one of my many wise cousins, "The reason girls talk so much and guys think so much is because, girls have two lips and guys have two heads".
-I read this somewhere, and I very much agreed with it. People should be considered "legal" for things by their physique, capability, and intelligence, not just age. Just because you turn 18 doesn't mean you instantly change as a person (besides the fact you are a bit older), it's an age. There are younger people out there being underestimated as individuals and people who are older that shouldn't even be given the rights they have. On the other hand, it is an efficient way of categorizing people. Either way, it's what we're stuck with for the time being.
-Cross country is a nice kick in the pants.
-Power lines and phone lines are incredible, seeing them stretch all across the country.
-Ever stop to think about how many different religions and beliefs there are in the world? It's almost perplexing.
-I do believe I've said this before many, many times, but I rather enjoy Wikipedia.
-I don't like the feeling on the first day of school when you feel kind of brain dead, I would like to avoid that.
-After the first few days of summer, I actually wanted to go back to school. I like learning. Wikipedia is probably going to have to hold me over until next year.
-Bass lessons started, the guy teaching me is really cool. I can actually read music again.
-On those especially hot days, my hair is my main reason for retaining heat.
-I may have a haircut in store for me in the distant future.
-Bass(guitar) and bass(fish). Craziest homonyms (More like homophonym) that you ever did meet.
-When I was a little kid and said I was bored, I was told by an adult, "You're bored?!?! does that mean you want to die!?!!?"
-I can't swim.
-Got new glasses. They're lighter, so it puts less stress on my head.
-A recurring dream of mine is me, losing multiple teeth at once.
-Another superpower i would like to have is being able to is ripping out my bones and using them for weapons or spray out my stomach acid, maybe take out my muscles for spider man like slinging action.
-Hot dry weather? Bring on the bloody noses.
-Radiohead - No Surprises
.. .. ..
-Radiohead - Karma Police
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-Radiohead - Fake Plastic Trees
.. .. ..
-I opened the sliding door that lead to our backyard, and walked into the screen door because of how dark it was.
-I want to meet that one kid who actually enjoys clowns.
-Feel like some ska music? I recommend some Catch 22, Streetlight Manifesto, and Bandits of the acoustic revolution.
-I may be a slight agoraphobic, but hey psychiatric observations are pretty relative.
-Ah Life, you are an ocean whose calm waters and raging storms perplex us to the ends of the sunset.
-Drinking water helps keep your dendrites in check, learning makes them grow.
-We might just be too primitive to even fathom the meaning of life. Still don't know do we? Or do we? heh.
-So is life nothing, then death, and more nothing? Could be or couldn't. Possibilities for anything are rather endless, but if you would really like living life constantly living in a perpetual circle of doubt, cynicism, and sorrow, be my guest, you in turn are creating this vile world that you see for yourself. Many people blame this on not being able to find life's purpose, sure it isn't right in your face (maybe it is?), it's like an extraordinarily simple math problem, hidden in a math book, hidden in a class room, hidden in a school, hidden in some city, somewhere not to your knowledge. Some people don't even try to find it, and sometimes try too hard and are oblivious to the most obvious, in the end both of these types of people and all of those in between finally find it and realize they've already known it all along (Might not even really care, different strokes for different folks, people can go about finding happiness and contentment anyway they can). Point i'm trying to make is, it's okay to try figuring out life, just don't get too caught up in trying to figure it out and live it. Being a little nicer wouldn't hurt either. It's really up to you, ignore all of this and go as if you hadn't read anything or possibly make a change. Not my life, its your's. =)
-Life is. Dependent clause right? Actually, i believe it can be a standalone statement expressing life in its simplicity.
-I wish i could transform into something cool at will, like a giant mechanized robot or beast form, maybe a super power in general.
-Fun typing game
-I should change the strings on my bass, they've been the same ones for over a year.
-Getting new glasses, Awww-yeahhh.
-Every once in a while when i walk, some good emo song names cross my mind like, "ashes ashes they all fall down" or perhaps a picture of a bride and groom in front of their cake holding guns to either of their heads (in the way they usually feed each other cake, arms intertwined)or In front of the priest saying their vows with the caption "I'll kiss you when the bleeding stops". Sometimes just how forcefully depressive "emo" things are can be sort of morbidly humorous to a satirical level.
-Figured out the national geographic channel theme song on guitar. Huzzah!
-I enjoy that "something stuck in your teeth feeling".
-Swedish Idol anyone? .. .. ..
-I like waking up to an empty house.
- One of the reasons Jackie Chan is one of my heroes , bites that he can barely get insurance anymore.
-WoOOoOoO!!! Jackie Chan DVD's came in the mail today and That 70's show 3rd season too.
-I know how to play the scissors.
-Been getting these things in the mail, they're pretty much these generic "special academic awards" that i don't think are very useful, and are just a ploy to make academically active kids spend money. A lot of it is just, hey buy this book with your name, picture, and aspirations in it! I mean, i guess it's cool and all to be recognized and it does have some sort of scholarship prize thing for certain people. Maybe it doesn't look bad on a transcript either? *shrug*
-Hey ya by Matt Weddle (Ex: of below entry)
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-Lately i've been hearing songs that i think sound familiar, then shortly after realize they actually are those songs i think they sound like but covered by other bands. It's rather interesting hearing certain rap songs and other songs of similar genre being sung with guitar in completely different tempo.
-The Cribs - Mirror Kissers [Great Music Video]
.. ..
-"How To Be Emo"
-"Abbott and Costello's Who's on First"
-I like the sound of rain.
-This fortunate day, i ate a dog food sugar cube sandwich.
It was two pieces of dog food, with a sugar cube in the middle. I find that the more you think about things, the less likely you are to do them (Depending on the decision of course), and the a lot of the gung-ho things in life you already know the very first minute if you're going to do it or not. Go with your first reaction, it's usually the most instinctive, makes life more interesting. And thats how i ended up, eating a dog food sugar cube sandwich. =)
-Double croissant sandwiches at BK!
-4/8/07: Today i witnessed a medical emergency first hand. Was on the way back from the air port riding in the car with my cousins and a woman ran into the street claiming that her husband passed out at the wheel. We proceeded to check things out and finally help arrived. He was still in the same condition of weak pulse and constrained breathing, after they tried multiple attempts to wake him but eventually they put him in the ambulance to take him to the hospital.
-Subject: English
I find that English teaches forced perception and the truncation of logic. Especially on multiple choiced tests any of the answers are reasonable or can at least be explained.
[Answer is "Obviously" b but...]
the ____ soared through the air and hit the boy in the face
[Have you see sandlot? Dogs can soar in the air; They are nimble creatures]
[They can fly relatively close to the ground, enough to injure small human beings]
c)Mail Man
[Maybe he's riding a amusement park ride and flies out, not particularly working but has the occupation]
[Food fight?]
This is why i prefer mathematics and science, because it still allows you near-infinite reasoning within parameters. My take on things though, different people perceive different things., in some cases...More addicting than myspace. 0_o
-Personal Examination
-No need for external participation
-Used actual seasoning in my food today, which i rarely do. This is probably my first time in years. So i was reheating fries in the toaster oven and i thought, "Hmmm, I'll put some seasoning on these suckers!" then some cheese on it and Voila! Gourmet Seasoned Cheese Fries! MUahahahahaha.
-What???!?!?! Yes.
-Me in 64.4 years
-New hotpocket commercials with that old asian guy are nifty.
-SciFi channel has a lot of neat stuff on it.
-Score! i now have a functioning Modded X-box.
Although, i am more of a Playstation Person.
-Hot DawwwwG!
-Went to snow summit. Snow was alright, but it may be safe to say that the 06/07 season for snowboarding is over.
-A pillow fight between two pillows would be crazy awesome.
-Ever stopped, and just payed attention to yourself breathing? It's something you continuously do throughout your life. I find it amazing, among other things.
-Some of my improv. There are some screw ups in it, and i need to raise the action so there's less fret buzz. A vid nonetheless.
Oh and don't mind the mozart in the background.
-Friggin' Techno.
Why does it have to be so gosh dang catchy? ^_^
-TFC(The Filipino Channel) is one trippy network. 0_o
-Been re-watching episodes of Initial D. Have had a passion for it since i've discovered it. If you want to check it out, i recommend watching the Japanese version with subtitles the americanized version by tokyo pop replaces all the good music with music that doesn't match the racing or show as well, it also replaces the traditional japanese names with more american ones and dubs it with less than form fitting voices. But different strokes for different folks, eh?
-Whats UP with that airline food?
-"In order to change the world, you must first change yourself."
Quote that i like to remind myself of every so often.
-Ah hah! I want a checkered van.
-If i was a Hot Dog or named Frank, i would call myself a Franksta.
-Discovered Elliot Smith this week. Nice Music.
-How Its Made, is an awesome show.
-I've spit shined my shoes.
-I've considered becoming either the president(with the right governmental changes), a spy, or the ruler of the world.
-I actually eat the fortune cookie after reading the fortune.
-I no longer have braces.
-I've sneezed on my monitor over 10 times.
-Philly cheese steaks! yum.
-I moved roughly 378 10lb bricks from my front yard to my back yard and assembled a wheel barrow and sweeped the driveway free of brick debris and dust. Felt very productive. Covered in dirt and hair is crusty from all the sweat. YAY! =D
-Normal Al Yankovic. He's a lawyer. He fights to actually own songs. He doesn't settle for comedic representations of songs with witty similarities.
-Whatever waldo, i still can't find you.
-WWSMDIN? (What would spider man do in nebraska?)or maybe not.
-Why are they called Dippin' Dots?
-I wish i had a couple more brains, or had the ability to divide my brain into multiple functioning sections. So i could listen to a few songs at once and be able to perform a number of logical reasonings at one time.
-You know, after watching the national geographic channel so much, you start to notice that a lot of the videos they use for examples are used quite often. But every once in a while, they do have something new versus reruns of the same lists and ..aries. The science channel is getting to be more interesting these days.
-Lets go Ride the Dryer!
-Me:Is it me? or does it smell like up dog in here?
Innocent bystander: Whats...up dog?
Me:Oh nothin' much....hahahahahhahahahahahahahaha.
-Punny is the pun to end all puns.
-You know whats funny? Jokes.
-I wonder who invented the question mark...?
Found Out
-Certain things in this day and age are just so common in practice and vernacular that no one second guesses things right in front of them throughout their daily lives. Change in perspective can mean everything.
-I wonder who let the dogs out too.
-I like thick oatmeal. Like so thick it only fills up the bowl an inch and 3/16ths of an inch.
-Kina kalimutan ko konting tagalog kase hindi dito sa bahay ko si inang para puede ko y kuasapan. (It says i'm forgetting some of my tagalog here and there because my grandma isn't here to talk to me in tagalog so often)
-Blurb:a brief advertisement or announcement
-10/90 theory, 10% of the things you experience in life are not in your control and the other 90% is dependent on how you react to those events. I believe in existentialism too though, even if it does contradict the 10/90 theory to an extent. I like keeping an open mind.
-I like to see all of existence as a big ocean full of waves, each wave is something, someone, a thought, an action, anything within the realm of existence. Each moving back and forth, everything being affected by everything else.
-Thought that crossed my mind at one point, what if every move we made was a precise dodge from being attacked by invisible noiseless mythical creatures constantly at war all around us? And there are always locations where no one is looking, for example if your in a room alone and you can't see behind you there could always be something behind you that you don't see that can't see you either because of how the universe is fabricated that unknown being and you both move accordingly to each other. But, that "unknown being" doesn't have to be some sort of creature, it could be that whatever you don't see is the nonexistence of the universe every time your back is turned, or at a certain location no one is paying attention to. And things you feel, hear, or smell are just manifested because you remember them to be there, but if its not there than someone else moved it due to intervention of their thoughts/actions subconscious or not. Or maybe it's Bob Barker? The mind is just as amazing as the things it attempts to fathom.
-Universal Interconnectivity and Causal Theory, wonderful.
-Lets just say that was a good dream.
-Stab at poetry? Ouch.
"Running Running, out running the trees
Running Running, out running the ground
Running Running, out running the sky
Running fast past the faces, while you catch them in your thoughts
Taking strides and leaps, racing the yesterday and burning on the heels of tomorrow."
-As of 3/2/07 i burst (not really burst, more like allowed time to pass casually, wasn't really all that enthused as most people are on their birthday) into yet another fiery phoenix-exterior with 15 years of age. I must say that my days as a 14 year old were very productive in comparison to the rest of my life, with the exception of my actual birth. Accomplished a lot, notably lots of firsts.
-So i was trying to glue together a piece of my cell phone that broke off when i dropped it, and it just so happened that the super glue had a cut in the tube and the super glue was dripping all over my hands and the phone. I kept getting my skin ripped off because parts of the phone got stuck to my fingers that i thought didn't have any glue, but i kind of fixed it by gluing it in an awkward position. As far as the glue covered hands of mine, well thats a different story. Tried googling how to get glue off, it said nail polish, i don't have any so i guess i don't have many other options. Guess i'll wait it out 'til they get all flaky.
-"Haheahhah Heahahah heahahahhH!" + Mozart
*No editing involved (I was listening to Mozart, and I can be accredited for the laughter of small children)
-If you listen to my music and watch my .gif at the same time, they look synchronized. Let the brainwashing begin!
-That would be cool if people had their own individual theme music.
6.5^^^ Billion Different songs!

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

The Persons responsible for inventing the following:
-Toilet paper
-Shopping Carts
-The Caps Lock Button
-Traffic Signs
-The Yellow light on traffic signals
-2 and 3 Dimensional Animation

My Blog


How many people have you seen blindly throw about the peace sign, the middle finger, Che Guevara, and so forth? When really, most of these people have no idea who or what these stand for. Okay, if we...
Posted by on Sat, 21 Jun 2008 15:14:00 GMT

Witches with Stiches

Wrote this for a poetry project in English during Freshman year, thought I'd share. Witches with Stitches See that sad bunch? They're witches with stitches. One messed up their hair and ruined the...
Posted by on Sat, 11 Aug 2007 11:23:00 GMT

Whites and The Colors.

This is the song I made up today when I was separating the laundry into whites and colors.  *Louie Armstrong Voice* "These are the WhiiiiiiiitesThese are the colOOoooorsThese are the Whiiiiiiiite...
Posted by on Thu, 28 Jun 2007 14:29:00 GMT


May I say that this blog has nothing to do with erasers, well blatant similarities atleast to the average person. But what is blatant or average to one person can mean very different things to another...
Posted by on Fri, 22 Jun 2007 01:49:00 GMT

Hey there. Hi there. Ho there.

As for now, my pass times have slowly transitioned from That 70's Show to Pokemon and now I suppose it is country music, and the next is unbeknown to be. Persnickety means snobbish, I like the struct...
Posted by on Fri, 22 Jun 2007 01:44:00 GMT

Web Log

And thus, school is nearing an end. Although, not very prevalent, but it's subtleties are looming. Or, I could just be concocting things in my mind. I came online, wanting to write something profound,...
Posted by on Wed, 25 Apr 2007 18:05:00 GMT

Future Kids Names.

For reference purposes i will post the names of my potential future children.They Shall be:-Cleobold Jackson Smith Jr. -Ingloberg Iceyton III(the third)-Mheeta Rita Dabida Padilla in that order, if th...
Posted by on Mon, 27 Nov 2006 16:23:00 GMT

Weekly Updates

Weekly Update:11/23/06Today i did some community service, handed out food to people among other things. It was pretty Spiffy. This would be my first edited video clip, Enjoy. 11/11/06doth not thee bir...
Posted by on Thu, 16 Nov 2006 20:43:00 GMT

Things I'd like to do.

-i want to break into my own car and see if i can instigate a police chase. -walk into a liquor store wearing a ski mask and pull out my gun shaped wallet very questionably-eat canned beets-grow ...
Posted by on Mon, 18 Sep 2006 20:51:00 GMT

sometimes i wonder.

what if i wasn't bi-polar? what if i didn't go through these unncessary episodes of complete excitement and happiness to almost immediately sorrow and despair? i know its useless to imagine these kind...
Posted by on Sun, 17 Sep 2006 20:44:00 GMT