William Shatner, Rev. Al Sharpton, Jimmy DeVita, Johnny Depp, Gwen Stefani, the Love of my life, The Devil, Jesus Hernando Christ, Hugo Chavez, Pat Robertson, Hitler, Neil Simon, Jean Paul Sartre, Jai Rodriguez, Joss Whedon, the Dhali Lama, Elliot Lynch, Steve McQueen, Lilly Tomlin, Katie Holmes (WHY KATIE WHY?!?!), Alan Alda, John Barrymore, Alice Cooper, Gene Rodenberry, Bob Sagat, Rob Lowe...nevermind I already said the devil, Lou Reed, Brian Ritchie, Craig Finn, Jesse Jackson, Ossie Davis, Bruce Campbell, Christina Ricci, Sigmund Freud, David Bowie, The guy who played Smith Jarret on sex and the city, Susan Lorie Parks (not just have her sign something), Heath Ledger...