Who am I?Its not like I can really fit myself in here. I learn something new about myself and the people around me every single day.I'm over people who don't take responsibility for their actions and live on a different planet in the hopes that they never get caught out when they have done something wrong.Yes, I make mistakes, and I fuck up, But I will admit when I've done something wrong and learn from it. I know I'm know angel.I've learnt to believe in myself again, and that I do deserve everything to go ok, for once.I'm the girl you look at and think, wtf is she laughing at?I'm the girl who probably does give up too easily, because if it was worth it, I'd put in the effort.I'm the girl who is still trying to make sense of everything.I'm the girl who has an extremely short attention span, and I've got the abilty to talk about 15 things at once and I leave you wondering what the hell I was on about.
Not everything can be my fault.But it partially could be!I'm the girl who is learning to take responsibility for her actions.I like road signs. ESPECIALLY the Grass Cutting one.
I miss special peopleI own a pink car and a black car.
I'm not taking what I have for granted anymore, because I am very very lucky as it is.I will grow up. Just not today. And I will leave no regrets.